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東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism./设定与剧情/雾雨魔理沙CF
Stage Carrefour
Where Lifelines Intersect | 生命线交织之处 | |
This eight-scene bunraku was nearing its climax. A string of bullets attached the hearts of Gensokyo to hers. | 八幕的净琉璃将近高潮。 一串弹幕将她与幻想乡的心紧紧相连。 | |
Festival in the Human Village | 人类村落的节日 | |
BGM: A God That Shouted 'Love' at the Heart of the World | BGM: 在世界中心呼唤爱的神明1 | |
水混祐毋 登场 | ||
True Goddess Metempsychosis 水混 祐毋 Tsumazaru Ummu | 真女神转生 水混 祐毋 Tsumazaru Ummu | |
水混祐毋 | Ah! If it isn't the magician! Marisa Kirisame, it's nice to see you again. | 啊!那不是魔法使小姐嘛! 真高兴又和你碰面了啊,雾雨魔理沙。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Eh? Are we buddy-buddy now? Sorry, but I gotta handle a certain... | 欸?我们很熟吗? 真是抱歉啊,不过我得去处理那个…… |
水混祐毋 | A certain "Witches' Sabbath?" "Sabbath" in the sense that there's gods. As a goddess reborn, I should participate in it. And as a sort-of witch, you should too. | |
水混祐毋 被击败 | ||
雾雨魔理沙 | Gee, I'm wonderin' if I'm just doing 'xactly what somebody wants me to. Again. Man, I’d hate that. | 咦……我可真怀疑 是不是又被什么人给当枪使了。 又……哼,真是讨厌这样的感觉。 |
??? | Even if what you did was good for you? | 尽管这能为你带来好处,也依然要排斥吗? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Tryna' imply that you're that someone? Don't give me advice while hiding. | 还是快点报上名来吧。 躲躲藏藏地还要给建议,可真是没必要。 |
八衢明伎 登场 | ||
八衢明伎 | Alright, here I am. Ah? Oh, quite interesting. You seem to be covered in connection. | 好吧,我来了。 哦?可真是有趣啊。 你与其他人建立起了繁复的联系呢。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Eh? Huh? What's that supposed to mean? | 啊哈? 你这话是什么意思? |
Line Drawn Between Heaven and Earth 八衢 明伎 Yachimata no Akiwaza | 连缀天地之线 八衢 明伎 Yachimata no Akiwaza | |
八衢明伎 | You're connected to dozens of other individuals. I can see those links, clear as day. Oh, but you're not a shrine maiden... But you are human. Hm, who might you be? | 你与其他许多人建立起了联系。 这些联系在我眼中清晰可见。 哦,不过你可不是什么巫女…… 你只是个人类啊。你究竟是谁呢? |
雾雨魔理沙 | 'Guess it's true that I have a pretty good amount of friends in Gensokyo. | 不得不说,我在幻想乡人缘挺好, 我想这是个不争的事实。 |
八衢明伎 | But you still blast everything in front of you, so... Ah! I got it. The reference guide should mention you. You're Marisa Kirisame. A magician by trade. Charming. | |
雾雨魔理沙 | Wow, people usually don't get my name. Well, I guess a fairy actually did, earlier. Anyhow, you the leader of all of the, uhm-- Spirits runnin' around here? | 啊,人们很少提及我的大名呢。 好吧,我想一个海仙女曾经这么干过。 不管怎么说,你就是这堆,嗯—— 灵的统领? |
八衢明伎 | I guess correctly, and then you do. I'm a god, but what's your method? | 猜对了呢。 我可是位神明哦,你是来做什么的呢? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Nusakoro told me to beat ya up. After I beat her up, 'course. And that was after I beat that Ummu lady in the Expanse up. | 绊锣让我来修理你一顿。 当然,在那之前我已经教训过她了。 再之前,我可是把苍穹洋中 那个叫什么祐毋的家伙给退治了呢。 |
八衢明伎 | Oh, is that so? Apologies. It seems like I had my work cut out for me. Or, done for me, rather. Gratitude to you for neutralizing that worrisome titan in the Expanse. | 哦,是吗? 真是抱歉啊。 那个家伙之前可给我出了个大难题。 不过托你的福,现在这个难题已经解决了。 就将苍穹洋中的泰坦神退治一事, 请允许我表达对你的感谢。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | YOU were supposed to do all that? Was a big ol' wet hassle, really... Anyhow, back to the "beating you up" part. Guess it has more motive now. I'm boutta' connect my magic to your face. Hope you don't mind too much. | 你本来也打算去消灭她? 好吧,她的确搞出了不小的麻烦呢。 不管怎么说,言归正传,我还是得修理你啊。 现在甚至更有动力了呢。 要我说,真想把你的脸和我的魔法“连接”起来—— 我想,你不会介意的吧? |
八衢明伎 | I’m interested in seeing what you talk about. It's what Gensokyo calls a danmaku festival, afterall. You're a magician that draws the line between the everyday and the extraordinary. | 想要打上一架?我还对此挺感兴趣呢。 在幻想乡,这叫做弹幕对决对吧? 你,是将平凡与不凡 相连接的魔法使。 |
BGM: Her Millennium Candy | BGM: 她的千岁饴4 | |
八衢明伎 | Draw me that line in beautiful danmaku. | 就让我看看,你是如何用弹幕绘出那条联系之线的吧! |
符卡 弹缘「漆黑女巫集会」 发动前 | ||
八衢明伎 | You've done well to thread this network together. In this moment, young magician in black clothes, evade the danmaku of your own connections! | 你出色地连成了属于你自己的联系之网。 现在,年轻的黑白魔法使, 请躲避由此而生的弹幕吧! |
八衢明伎 被击败 | ||
八衢明伎 | Completely dazzling. You know... I find danmaku to be such a wonder. | 好耀眼啊…… 弹幕真是个奇迹。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Eh? Do that kinda thing all the time in Gensokyo. And, other places use spellcards too, y'know? Oh, uhm, talkin' about resolving things with spellcards... Mind doin' some favors? | 欸?这在幻想乡不过是极其平凡的事物罢了。 还有符卡什么的…… 你不知道吗? 还有,说起用符卡解决异变…… 能麻烦你帮个忙吗? |
八衢明伎 | Well, if you’re alluding to the entourage of divine spirits, they can calm down. | 嗯,如果你指的是那些暴走的灵体的话, 它们会自己安静下来的。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Throw letting that Nusakoro do what she pleases in, and we got a deal. Oh, yo! And you're the one who set up this danmaku festival, right? | 顺便,麻烦你 放绊锣自由吧。就这样成交? 欸,不对,等等! 是你举办了这场弹幕祭典,对吧? |
八衢明伎 | That's right. Why do you ask? | 是啊。 怎么问起这个来? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Think you can get me some stuff for free? Food and spellcard observation included. | 能不能让我免费带走点啥? 食物,还有符卡笔记啥的…… |
Carrefour Ending No.2
- 剧透提示: 以下内容包含详细故事情节,请自行决定是否继续阅读
BGM: Bouquet of Irises | BGM: 鸢尾花束 | |
The Human Village. A festival of mesmerizing proportion. Magic was in the air, quite literally. Marisa, on the ground, was observing. | 人类村落。 令人着迷的节日庆典。 魔法于幻想乡的上空绽放。 魔理沙,在地面上注视着这一切。 | |
河城荷取 | Heh, oh wow. Never thought I'd see you so studious. Though I guess things have been weird these past few incidents. | 嘿,哇哦,真没想到你有这么好学。 尽管经过这几场异变后确实有很多怪事发生。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Eh? Oh, it's just ol' kappa Nitori. You've seen me research before. | 嗯?哦,是河童荷取啊。你之前也看见过我做研究的。 |
河城荷取 | But meticulously collecting samples? That's different from seeing what sticks. | 但也没像现在这样一丝不苟地收集样品对吧? 这么醉心于此的你真是和以往大不相同。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | That's for when I'm participatin' in exhibitions. There's a ton of outsiders right now, so... | 因为这些都是为了参加这场弹幕祭典而精心准备的。 现在有一堆外来者都来参观祭典了,所以…… |
It wasn't always obvious, but Marisa worked incredibly hard at her craft. That way, her magic could be hers. | 并不为人所知的是,魔理沙一直在用自己的手艺艰难地琢磨魔法。 这样,她的魔法才是属于她自己的。 | |
河城荷取 | Outsiders... That's right. You've been to the Outside World recently. A couple of my fellow kappas went to the Expanse and ended up in cages, but... The world of humans has got to be different. What's it like there nowadays? Was it cool? | 外来者吗……不错,最近你也去过一趟外面的世界了。 我的几个河童同伴也去过那片苍穹洋,最后被关在了笼子里,不过…… 人类的世界已经变得大为不同了。如今的那里变得怎么样了呢?是不是很厉害呢? |
雾雨魔理沙 | Bright. Hurt my eyes a little. Like this, but in a different way. I mean, I was being shot at for most of my time there too, so... | 闪闪发亮,甚至有点令我眩目。就像这样,不过是以另外一种方式。 比方说,我在那里挨了不少弹幕的攻击,而且…… |
河城荷取 | Huh? I meant the technology--Ah, well. Guess I could just ask the gap hag. | 哈?我的意思是说科技——啊,算了。我想我应该去问问那个隙间老妖婆。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Back on that mean streak, eh? Can't just call people names all the time. | 你刚才的话很失礼哦?就不能好好叫别人的名字吗。 |
河城荷取 | H-hey! She can't hear me right now, anyways. I mean, I think she can't... Right? Where is she? | 嘿!她现在可听不到我说的话。 我是说,我觉得她不能……对吗? 她在哪呢? |
八云紫 | Ha, I considered going and really punishing you, but it seems like a few people have already done that. I wish you hadn't tampered with the village of all things, but I suppose interest will wane eventually. | 哈,我正要过来好好惩治你呢,不过貌似已经有人替我代劳了。 希望你以后不要再来干预人类村落的事务了,虽然我想你对此事的兴趣最终会消失的。 |
八衢明伎 | Aw, a battle might've been quite fun. But I thought you're usually comatose. | 噢,战斗本身就是很有意思的事情。 不过我还以为你一直都在冬眠呢。 |
It happened that an old acquaintance of older youkai had made a bombastic appearance in Gensokyo. As was usual, they had let the shrine maiden and the magician do the actual heavy lifting at the end of the day. | 很凑巧的是,正是这位年长妖怪的老熟人在幻想乡轰轰烈烈地登场了。 如往常一样,在这天快结束时,她们把这些烂摊子累活都交给巫女和魔法使来收拾。 | |
八云紫 | Only in winter. Even then, only sometimes, really. So troublesome, you gods. Okina, then those Perfect Possession brats... Of course, I'm certain they're running around in this festival too, aren't they? You'd all benefit if you'd all just take a nice nap instead of begging for attention. | 只是在冬天哦。即使在那时,也只是偶尔而已,真的。 你们这些神明真是爱惹麻烦。比如隐岐奈,还有搞出“完全凭依”异变的那两个家伙…… 当然,我也确信她们正在为这些事四处奔忙着,不是吗? 如果你们都去睡个好觉而不是出来吸引别人的注意,大家都会因此受益匪浅。 |
八衢明伎 | It's been so long since I've visited this Gensokyo, hasn't it? So different. But, ah! That's so like you, Yukari. At least how I remember you. Sometimes people do things for other people. I like to lead others to their passions. | 自从我来到幻想乡已经过去很久了,真是今非昔比。 但是,啊!那可真像你的样子啊,紫。至少我对你是多么印象深刻。 有时候人们总是为了别人而活,而我喜欢的事就是指引他们遵循自己的本心。 |
八云紫 | I didn't make Gensokyo's barrier just for myself. Nor did I make it on my own. | 我可不是只为了自己才为幻想乡设下结界的。这件事也不只是我自己完成的。 |
八衢明伎 | You Gensokyo sages. So conniving. But so scary when you're serious. Though my connection to you all was faint, it was easy to retrace. Everyone's connected, somehow. Well, since we're here. How about a little fun? | 幻想乡的贤者大人,真的很令人信服呢。 不过你认真起来的样子也很可怕啊。 即便你我之间的联系已经很稀薄了,要回到当初的那样也不是难事。 毕竟,每个人都是互相联系着的。 因为我们都身处此地吧。不如找点小乐趣如何? |
河城荷取 | Eek! T-that's her! She's here! She must've heard me! | 咿!那、那是她!她在那!她已经什么都听到了! |
雾雨魔理沙 | Nah, relax. She's just exhibiting. Pattern's mostly theatrical, anyhow. That spellcard, huh... It looks super scary, but it's still beatable, anyways. | 唉,放轻松点。她只是来参加祭典的。要知道,事情的发生总是很有戏剧性。 那张符卡,嗯…… 虽然看起来很可怕,但至少还是有解法的。 |
河城荷取 | Really? You say that like you've faced it. | 真的吗?说得好像你之前脸接过这张符卡一样。 |
雾雨魔理沙 | Sure have. | 当然是的。 |
河城荷取 | Oh, gee. (Humans are scarier than I thought…) | 哦,天哪。(人类比我想象得还可怕啊……) |
雾雨魔理沙 | Enough firepower and any human can beat down any youkai. Speakin' of, wanna run by Geidontei's stand? Wanna eat a bit before I bother Reimu. Gotta check how much I've caught up with her. | 只要火力充足,任何人都可以打败所有妖怪。 话说回来,要去鲵吞亭的摊子上看看吗?可以在我打扰灵梦之前吃点东西哦? 来看看我的魔法有没有赶上她吧。 |
Humans saw youkai flying in the night, but youkai seemed to be the ones afraid. Just a little. In a way, this was another opportunity for Marisa to lightly “borrow” some ideas. In another way, her smirk was another sign of her years of hard work paying off. In the curtain fire, she saw a fantastic Gensokyo where people pursued their dreams. The rest of Gensokyo had some understandable fear for a display from a youkai they didn't quite understand. But children liked it. Such was a magician's melancholy. | 人类仰望着在夜空飞翔着的妖怪,但妖怪似乎应该是他们畏惧的对象。 哪怕只是一点点。 一方面,对魔理沙来说这又是能很轻松地“借鉴”到灵感的好机会。 另一方面,她那傻乎乎的笑容正是她多年来的艰辛探索终于得到回报的标志。 在这绚丽的弹幕之中,她看见了一个人们都可以在此追逐自己的梦想的,妙趣横生的幻想乡。 尽管幻想乡中的其他人会怀着一些难以理解的恐惧,因为这场他们不甚了解的妖怪可以尽情展示自身存在的祭典。 但孩子们乐在其中。这便是一位魔法使所特有的忧郁吧。 | |
Ending No. 10 ~ Love-Coloured Magic Congratulations! Seriously, how cool! Try LAST WORD mode! | Ending No. 10 ~ 恋色Magic 恭喜!你真是太棒了!试着挑战Last Word吧! |