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歌词:Океан Эмоций (Squall Of Scream mix)

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動

In Your Heart EP
Океан Эмоций (Squall Of Scream mix) [03:13]
In Your Heart EP (2020-01-03)
  • 歌詞の言語:英文

Sometimes things don’t work out,
but you did your best,
and that is something to be proud of
I’ll never understand why people think
being heartless is cute
Grow the fuck up
You’ll be fine
Feeling unsure and lost is part of our path
Don’t avoid it
You’ll be okay
even if you don’t feel it
all the time
Just follow your dream
Never give up and keep faith in yourself
Your words, your actions, your feelings
You will always be in my heart
Ocean of emotions and strange feelings
Dwell in your mind
Having lost hope in myself
You lost everything
But at some point in the heart
a particle of hope was born
and it pushed you
take the first steps
When you follow your dream
Never give up and keep faith in yourself
Your words, your actions, your feelings
there will always be hope
in your heart
and the strength to go forward
You will always be in my heart
because these feelings
Just because you have a meltdown
every now and again and cry for no reason
and feel lonely sometimes,
doesn’t mean you aren’t a strong person
Believe me, you are, you are