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歌词:Turning Tables

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動

Turning Tables [03:02]
地獄から子守歌 (2016-08-13)
サークル:Solair Echoes
  • 歌詞の言語:英文

I am
captured and forgotten in this
never ever ending circle
never ever ending circle
always as your obedient doll
Since I was born in this world I was your toy
There was
never any ray of sunlight
never any love to hold on
I was always all alone
locked up in this dark room
Oh please I just want to see
the sun and the azure sky
Oh please set me free
I cant survive in here
Oh please I just want to leave
I´d like to run and have my body for me
Oh please just untie me
I guess it´s hopeless I will die here
held here
locked up and in anguish in this
painful choking gloomy circle
painful choking gloomy circle
tied up and left do die in here
You always smiled and told me whats love to you
it is
suffering in dark apathie
feeling all the pain you give me
always smiling when you hurt me till I...
Oh please I cant take anymore
I need a break cant you see
All the pain is too much for me
I am breaking your hands set me free
All I can see now is your face
satisfied its smiling so happily
I hear the words you whisper to me
but I dont care anymore
you shattered me
I cant see anything anymore
my soul ripped out
and now your
chest slowly changes its color to crimson red
the knife Im holding
is trembling and falling to the ground.
In utter silence we lay here next to each other
and soon the breathing of my empty shell will stop
now that I have killed my life.