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歌词:Before the Dawn

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This page refers to: 歌词:Before the Dawn. For other uses, see 歌词:Before the Dawn(Disambig).

Track Informations
Before the Dawn [04:23]
Hifuugatari (2019-08-12)
Circle:Higan Daybreak
Original Title:華胥の夢
  • Lyrics Language:英文

you are the ghost in my halls
a faded memory
and as I wander through
it all returns quietly
our dream of salvation
under this endless sky
a hope for a place to belong
a promise made [before the dawn]
“take my hand, we'll find a way
through the storm tonight
watch the skies, all we can do is wait
for a sign”
so you said a lifetime ago
in this place we once called home
was it never meant to last?
are we doomed to repeat the past?
so face the truth, there's nothing left here
but grief and pain
watch the skies, all I can do is make
my way through the storm
through the rain
through the rain
[...but maybe this was all that was meant to be
maybe the only thing we can do is let fate decide
what happens next]