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Track Informations
FIRE TRIDENT into THEM [03:29]
EXCEED (2014-05-11)
Circle:Pearls Before Swine
Original Title:神は恵みの雨を降らす ~ Sylphid Dream
  • Lyrics Language:英文

where I am going out? why do I lose my control?
I have been hurt before I knew
How about you?How about you?
my wound smarts with the rain
now, your legs on a drain
I knew that I have a slight lack of air. feel you fear
release me, right now! but I have been over
If I can continue this life...
If they still say foolish words , I'll fire a trident into them!
I kill the old way cuz I will never make you cry again
is nothing left to me ? where do you go?fear has no place
I wish this dream is not nightmare. I claws
my wound smarts with the rain. now, your legs on a drain
I knew that I have a slight lack of air. feel you fear. no!!
If they still say foolish word , I'll fire a trident into them!
If I can't change them, do you cry? If so I'll try it again
can we know the truth?can we smile? but I've still never been to me
If they still say foolish word , I'll fire a trident into them!
I kill the old way cuz I will never make you cry again. anymore
you never cry anymore

