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歌词:Mist(Solair Echoes)

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Track Informations
Mist [03:58]
地獄から子守歌 (2016-08-13)
Circle:Solair Echoes
Original Title:最も澄みわたる空と海
  • Lyrics Language:英文

I had a dream so bright
As the stars up in the sky
Silent wish
The dream that gave me hope
That maybe I could find my peace
Far away
Seeking the hope that I thought I've lost forever
I close my eyes and let my heart sing
Waiting for the moment I find what I hold dear
Slowly in the night
I'll reach out my hands and find my way to you
I looked at the sky
Hoping I could find the answers
to the questions I could never ask
Blue sky replied
With unmoving confidence in it's own eternity
Oh, so wrong
Through the waves and tides
I will force my way
through the obstacles that life's put on my path
Until the end I will follow my faith that you're there for me
I'll hold you in my arms
Sleep peacefully as sun goes down
We will be together until the end