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歌词:your beautiful

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Track Informations
your beautiful [02:46]
MAZY LIGHTS (2017-08-11)
Circle:Pearls Before Swine
Original Title:千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon
  • Lyrics Language:英文

you think about it that when I was gone.
just like you. I'm afraid the memory is fading with you.
loner miss you, but he never show face
why is everything so unstable , here I am ...
your beautiful have a sadness and madness.
if one side is missing, you can't keep yourself.
your beautiful have a sadness and madness.
I'll always be with you , so tell me more about yourself.
you told me nonsense , I was listening.
this conversation like a drug, I am addicted that.
loner hides his tears by his hand.
why is everything so ineffective , here I am ...
your beautiful have an intellect and affection.
if one side is missing, you can't keep yourself.
your beautiful have an intellect and affection.
I'll always be with you , so tell me more about yourself.
your beautiful have a sadness and madness.
your beautiful have a sadness and madness.
I'll always be with you , so talk with me about tommorow.
your beautiful have an intellect and affection.
if one side is missing, you can't keep yourself.
your beautiful have an intellect and affection.
I'll always be with you , so tell me more about yourself.

