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游戏攻略/STG常用工具/VsyncPatch/vpatch instructions

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With every newly installed patch, always make a backup copy of your score.dat files in case something weird ever happens.
This is just a general rule. While I don't think this progam has ever caused any data (scores, history, etc) to corrupt or reset,
It's always a good idea to keep a backup in case it does happen by other means.
每次新安装补丁,请务必备份 score.dat 文件1,以防发生什么玄学问题。
Modify the [Window] parameters to suit your liking. You can run it windowed, and if so you can control the window width/height
as well as the position it appears on your screen and such. Pretty self-explanatory.
你可以按照自己的喜好修改 [Window] 下的参数。您可以用窗口模式运行游戏,并控制窗口的宽度/高度
There are patches for some games in both revision 4 and 7. Use the latest version of the patch for each game.
Leave a copy of vpatch.exe, vpatch.ini and the corresponding dll file in your game folder.
Do not have more than one vpatch_th**.dll file in one folder, or else a conflict might occur and the game won't launch.
在你的游戏文件夹中保留一份 vpatch.exe、vpatch.ini 和相应的 dll 文件。
Rename each individual exe file to th**.exe, where the stars are the game number, except for EoSD and Uwabami Breakers,
which must be named 東方紅魔郷.exe and alcostg.exe, respectively. Naturally this will be true by default, but if you want
to run the english-patched game then you must rename the executable from th07e to th07, and so on.
EoSD must also be launched using AppLocale / Locale Emulator, or by setting your system to a japanese locale.
它们必须分别命名为 東方紅魔郷.exe 和 alcostg.exe。通常情况下它们本来就是这样,但如果你想
红魔乡必须使用AppLocale / Locale(这样的转区工具)启动,或者将你的系统语言(区域)改为日语3
Start the game by launching vpatch.exe.
启动 vpatch.exe 开始游戏。
Author: swmpLV/75E


  1. 译者注:此文件在th128之前位于游戏根目录,之后位于C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\ShanghaiAlice,用于存储玩家数据(如收率等)
  2. 译者注:汉化版游戏同理,但妖永花的汉化版是加密的,所以无法使用
  3. 其实中文用户直接将程序重命名为 搶曽峠杺嫿.exe 就可以了,原理省略不表