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用户Wiki:Demobanker/BMS Artists on THBWiki

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Perpetual work in progress

Most artist information on here comes from BMS Search. You can search for artists and tracks, and track pages have video previews. This is also where I find video examples.

other useful sources:

The BMS matome wiki also links to these sites for reference:

You might also be interested in the Vocaloid and vocalsynth artists list.

Artists who are part of a circle on the wiki

Name Circle(s) 东方-related BMS event appearances example work(s) reference links
Masayoshi Minoshima Alstroemeria Records 没有与东方相关的BMS作品 BMSまとめ
t+pazolite C.H.S BMS OF FIGHTERS 2005
天音 Rolling Contact, Angelic Quasar 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
すぺらんかー SiesTail, Silly Walker 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
izna IZMIZM 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
nmk DTXFiles.nmk 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
rider 猫乃塚 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
SUN3 sun3 FielD 东方音弹游戏 (participant) 彼岸帰航-idling mix- BMSまとめ
EXCALIpUR Tribullets artist website
guna Studio H.E.X. subconsciousness (with チーム・キュッキュ)
篠螺悠那 ササラヤ Imperishable Night 2006
モリモリあつし 非可逆リズム
-45 D'va;;;;;;;;;;;5 BMSまとめ
ねこみりん nekomimi style 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
えふた TORUS QUARTET 东方音弹游戏7 (participant)
SEPHID ヒレ軍団 东方音弹游戏9 (participant) Find Our Way (feat. 笑顔ねつき)
鈎兎 うさぎとちわわ 东方音弹游戏9 (participant)
CleanTears S.C.X, はちみつれもん
corvus (f.k.a. amo) schwarzwald none 瓦礫の海に沈んだ旋律 BMSまとめ
LV.4 CODE-49
srask (a.k.a. すらすけ) ぬえかわチャンネル, SURASHIZ none R3x1NSPELL
spctrm (a.k.a. com) fromadistance none
愛新覚羅溥儀 BITPLANE none BMSまとめ
xenothium RoarAddiction Mr. Merry Prince
金ラメタキシード L連.NET
Cres Lunar Machines
b-UMB (a.k.a. クロカサ) Colorful Umbrella
HALLPBE.S Jaxalate Records AKABEKO
Davidsan 氷結幻想 (a)symmetrical pianistic broadcast 2/3
humu. XG幻想樂団 东方音弹游戏7 (participant)

Solo Artists

Name 东方-related BMS event appearances reference links
LeaF 东方音弹游戏4, 5, 7 (participant) BMSまとめ

Artists with only song appearances

Name Appearances 东方-related BMS event appearances example work(s) reference links
5*LEAF 東方音弾遊戯9 东方音弹游戏9 (participant)
Ark-Z various albums (search)
BACO various nekomimi style albums (search)
Chelp 지저스 ~Chireiden Children
Cranky various albums (search) BMSまとめ
daisan 雪桜
DJ TECHNORCH various albums (search)
Dr.ReB various albums (search) Project DIARY
EBIMAYO various albums (search) Bad Cycle
EXCITECH (a.k.a. MarisaB, XYTEKK) various albums (search) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Glome (a.k.a. maxXx65535) 横浜幻想郷, 六十番目の東方再盤 Eclipse -Luna-
hapi⇒ 爆速麦酒, 魔法少女 にとり★マギカ
H.U.T GiGAR various albums (search) circle website
Junk mostly C9 albums (search)
LUNE candybug 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
MKT Mirage ~夜奏幻樂団 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
naotyu- various albums (search)
Nardis various albums (search)
NceS various albums (search) DuanGA
nora2r various albums (search)
Normal1zer Violetium 3, 千年战争~iek loin staim haf il dis o-del al,
White Howlerz
orangentle for_the_Lunatix
OS ⑨ (nekomimi style) and 東方音唄騒 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
otokaz various Re:SPEC and nekomimi style albums (search) 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
P*Light various albums (search)
SHiNKA various Sound Refil albums (search)
Silentroom 東方リミックスEDM3 Nhelv BMSまとめ
Soleily RE:TAKE, Flatworld
SunsetRay various albums (search) Cereis (with NceS)
Syatten thE3
Tanchiky various albums (search, search(2))
t-plain 幻想マインドブラスト personal website
tarolabo トホQハイランド! 东方音弹游戏 (participant) 眠りの花束 (with 削除) BMSまとめ
tigerlily works.thE
ueotan Magical Thrash, VisitBit EP Mario Paint (Time Regression Mix for BMS)
VeetaCrush 博麗が如く~Gensougyo Mafia, GENSOKYO FIVE-O Sterelogue
void(Mournfinale) thE2.5, thE3.5
Xacla thE3.5
xi (Diverse System) thE4.5
Yamajet IA-STYLE/B1, IA-STYLE/Toho
Zekk various albums (search) MEJIRUSHI
Zris various albums, but mostly known for their work in Yonder Voice (search) 地外桃源
ねこみみ魔法使い mostly Silly Walker albums (search) BMSまとめ
ルゼ various albums (search) 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
七草多粥 various albums (search) 东方音弹游戏 (participant)
削除 (a.k.a. sakuzyo) mostly Diverse System albums (search) Altale BMSまとめ

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