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東方暗夜楼 (2006-12-31)- Circle:PICO研
June 5, 2023
Fun fact: This release is mentioned on UFO County's website under the Touhou page where all their releases are listed. However, Klage doesn't appear in the credits so I'm not sure if they participated on it or not.
There are no rips of this, so I don't have anything to say about the actual music.
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秋の風神 (2007-08-17)- Circle:UFO County, みかさノ月
May 25, 2023
Fun fact: Almost all of UFO County's Touhou releases are numbered as part of a project simply called UFO County 東方 Arrangement Project. This EP is the only exception, and it could be considered a precursor to the project. It's also the only collaborative release in the circle's discography, and the only one with vocals. The lyrics are by kogart (who goes by kog@ at the time of release) from doujinshi circle みかさノ月.
Again, there are no rips of this, so I don't have anything to say about the actual music.
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WIND type -峰- (2007-12-31)- Circle:UFO County
May 25, 2023
MIDI classical music with lots of reverb. I don't know what the exact instruments are but there are a variety of them like xylophone, piano, organ, flute and strings. It's an atmospheric piece thanks to all the reverb, but the instruments are active enough that the reverbs are muddled together. If you pay close attention, you can hear the reverbs clash together. My favorite on here is the final track, with glassy organ synths and a soft piano loop that fades in and out. The slow pace makes it quite peaceful compared to the first three, but there is also a noticable dissonance halfway through which makes it sound weirdly ominous.
Overall, a nice introduction to the circle's Touhou arrangement project, and one that people not into experimental music can enjoy.
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WIND type -戯- (2008-02-10)- Circle:UFO County
May 25, 2023
Fast and playful MIDI xylophones and drums. Maybe it's because the the xylophone is played at black MIDI speeds, but it does end up sounding less like a xylophone and more like the trancey synths you'd hear in trancecore or UK hardcore. It's like the inverse of playing a hyperspeed classical piece with rave stabs lol
Also notable is the drumming, which I think is played live and gives the music a raw punky energy. I do wish there were more drum-only parts like the beginning of the EP.
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WIND type -獄- (2008-05-11)- Circle:UFO County
May 26, 2023
A collage of a bunch of different sounds like ratchets and whistles over what I think is a live performace of drums and other instruments. The effects are placed randomly, giving a sense of chaos. On everything but anything, the Necrofantasia melody is played by a piano that becomes more prominent as the track continues, but the mixing makes everything sound spacious and allow most of the sounds to be cleanly heard. The inverse happens on anything but everything, where the Necrofantasia melody is played by a jangly guitar, and the guitar tone ends up muddling the sound as the track goes on.
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ぐったりした結果がこれだよ! (2008-05-25)- Circle:UFO County
May 26, 2023
Quirky electronic music that sounds sped up. The first, second and last tracks you can classify as IDM, and the second-to-last track as ambient, but the rest are best described as funny quirky sped up music with the usual UFO County reverb. Check out that super fast percussion on きゅうりとこんぶをようきにしこんで lmao
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WIND type -報- (2008-10-13)- Circle:UFO County
May 26, 2023
Airy and glittery ambient techno with vinyl crackles and two minutes of punky drumming and organs near the end. Nothing special besides the punky bit but it's an enjoyable listen and has a nice rainy feel.
The circle's website starts having artist commentary from here on.
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烈風炎 (2008-10-13)- Circle:UFO County
May 27, 2023
Noisy, garage-y rock/punk with pounding drums. Listening to it feels like being surrounded by fire, but without the danger that would come with surrounding yourself with fire. Outstanding tracks on here IMO are the punky 迷走, and the psychedelic 怨憎. Probably the most "normal" release in the circle's discography so far.
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収穫祭 (2008-11-24)- Circle:UFO County
May 27, 2023
Klage plays Romantic Fall followed by Princess Inada on xylophone, drums and guitar. Starts off light and jammy with the guitar being relegated to the background, but as the track goes on the guitar becomes louder and almost covers the xylophone, at least until the Princess Inada part starts. Musically very repetitive.
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東方霜枯抄 (2008-12-29)- Circle:UFO County
November 29, 2023 (I accidentally skipped this one and came back after listening to 18)
An atmospheric release with Klage's reverby piano playing the original melodies. 死んでみた is a sombre piece with faint voices. 蔓延る霊いずこへ and さよならを謳えば take a turn for the creepy with ringing noises. Sounds like what happens when you die in Gensokyo and are taken to the underworld.
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東方霜焼抄 (2008-12-29)- Circle:UFO County
November 29, 2023 (same as above)
The hellish counterpart to 東方霜枯抄 with a bassier and noisier sound.
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⑨(UFO County) (2008-12-29)- Circle:UFO County
June 5, 2023
Starts with a basic drum beat and glitchy cut synths in the background, which turns out to be a jazz performance from what I can hear. I thought it was gonna be a minimalistic thing because the background parts are quiet but has some sort of melody melody going on, but that's not what actually happens. At 1:39, a loud piano playing an unchanged version of Cirno's theme comes in, along with a bass guitar that plays a monotonous bassline. No other big change happens in the rest of this 10:39 (or 9:99) long track.
Kinda boring tbh. Feels like what happens when you describe post-punk poorly to a Touhou music guy in the mid 2000s and asked them to make a cirno arrangement in that genre.
Fun fact: The Melonbooks download version of this release is encoded using variable bitrate (VBR) at quality 9, the lowest VBR quality setting possible.
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徒花(同人专辑) (2008-12-29)- Circle:UFO County
June 5, 2023
Noisy, reverb-heavy rock. There's a campfire-comfy quality to it once you get past the noisiness.
Fun fact: This and the next two releases are packaged as one and re-released on the Japanese edgy/experimental netlabel UGU.
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賞翫 (2008-12-29)- Circle:UFO County
June 5, 2023
More noisy and reverb-heavy rock, this time with an acoustic guitar and what I think are brass instruments. This one reminds me of Silent Hill 2's Theme of Laura.
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酩宴 (2008-12-29)- Circle:UFO County
June 5, 2023
Now's time noisy rock and lo-fi recording quality. Very discordant and disorienting - if you thought 深夜放送's tracks were hard to get through, you're definitely not gonna get through this.
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南無 (2009-03-08)- Circle:UFO County
July 15, 2023
Slow instrumental ritual music with a flute, plucked string instrument and this circle's usual reverb. It gradually builds up and creates an unsettling mood, not eased at all by the repetitive microtonal string melody on the second track. The last track is comparably more comforting.
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焼畑 (2009-02-08)- Circle:UFO County
July 15, 2023
Here's the first big piece by this circle, with a runtime of exactly one hour split into 15 four-minute tracks. The first track is a guitar and piano (plus a few other instruments) arrangement of Flower Land accompanied by light electronic manipulation of those sounds. The second one starts ramping up the amount of electronic manipulation, but you can still recognize it as a Flower Land arrangement. From there on, the music becomes more glitchy, then more ambient, until the last track returns to the guitar + piano sound from the start. Despite the experimentation on here I think it's a fairly accessible album, assuming you like ambient music.
The download for this comes with a simple music score and guitar tab for Flower Land.
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心像 (2009-02-08)- Circle:UFO County
July 15, 2023
Three solo piano arrangements of 3rd Eye. The first track I'd say is a straightforward cover, and the second track is a slightly more technical version of the first arrangement. I like the last one the most - it's a wistful and simple take on 3rd Eye.
The download of this comes with commentary and the piano score for all three tracks. Sadly, this is the last release with artist commentary on the circle website...
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ゆうかりんの動作環境 (2009-03-08)- Circle:UFO County
November 9, 2023
Welcome to the biggest series in this discography run. Previously, UFO County had the WIND type series which has 4 entries, and the two-character series from 徒花 to 心像 which has 6 entries. From now on, every release that the circle does will be part of a series, with this one - ゆうかりんの... (Yuukarin's...) - being 16 entries long.
OS is the computer start-up jingle to the album, and before it transitions to the next track there's a audible glitch. The rest of the album is more or less connected by two ideas, one being glitchy effects and the other being a repeating rhythmic pulse . On CPU, it's a constand ticking sound, and the sound of a pounding heart runs through HDD. メモリ switches it up by having a piano play at a constant rhythm, and there's an effect on the notes that cuts them off quickly to make it sound like percussion. A similar but less jarring effect appears on ビデオカード.
Despite all the effects, the music itself is approachable. The glitchiness is much less complex than an average Ametsub album, and Ametsub already has a reputation for being a glitch musician that uses a piano to keep things accessible and chill. 此岸の塚 and 花は幻想のままに are some of the most sentimental melodies ZUN has written, and the effects do not diminish its impact a bit.
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ゆうかりんの妖精観察 (2009-03-08)- Circle:UFO County
November 9, 2023
Starts off as a normal piano medley but quickly goes off rails for an excursion to black MIDI land. If you want more black MIDI, look no further than the the extra and lunatic versions. Is this what hyperactive fairies sound like?
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ゆうかりんの環境会議 (2009-03-08)- Circle:UFO County
January 3, 2024
Another piano release. There's a delay or some other effect that makes sure there's a piano sound on every beat. I didn't find it engaging until natural disruptive paradigm sift where the piano parts become more complex. By that point, however, the glitch-piano beat is barely audible, and I'd rather just listen to other Touhou piano music instead.
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ゆうかりんの作戦会議 (2009-05-05)- Circle:UFO County
January 3, 2024
Hazy, light ambient techno with lo-fi, live-sounding drums placed on top. The arrangement comes from a piano playing the UFO version of Theme of Eastern Story on loop. Neat soundscape, and it does throw in new elements here and there (see: the pounding taiko blastbeats 6 minutes in). Not meant for chilling, but it does have a relaxing effect on me.
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凶 (2009-08-15)- Circle:UFO County
May 8, 2024
not an official update and not me doing this out of order lmao. I was listening to Noise for 'Border of Life' and realized the part from 9:00 to 12:00 on has basically the same composition method of static noise wall + parts of the original melodies played on bells at different speeds