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用户Wiki:Demobanker/personal editing process, plus other maybe helpful tidbits

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in progress, check out the internet research tips and Bandcamp reference pages too for more useful tips

Note that what I say here about formatting is subjective and is not official policy, but I'll try to justify my choices. Also all of the names here are made up but do let me know if you prefer having actual examples.

To reiterate, I am not staff and this is not official policy.

Staff Formatting

If a credited role apply to only one person, then the person's name goes on the same line as the role.

; Illustration : Mystiana ([[Reanimated Dusk Industries]])
Mystiana (Reanimated Dusk Industries

If multiple people apply for the same credited role, then each person get their own line separate from the role itself.

; Illustration
: Mystiana ([[Reanimated Dusk Industries]])
: そきこ ([[睡蓮アリス]])
: KallieKomeiji ([[Calico Imagination]])
Mystiana (Reanimated Dusk Industries
そきこ (睡蓮アリス
KallieKomeiji (Calico Imagination

I use this style because it looks cleaner than having multiple names stuck on one line. Plus, it gives space for links.

From an editor's point of view, separating lines using the : character is cleaner than using <br/>. Here's how the source looks like the other way:

; Illustration : Mystiana ([[Reanimated Dusk Industries]])<br/>そきこ ([[睡蓮アリス]])<br/>KallieKomeiji ([[Calico Imagination]])
Mystiana (Reanimated Dusk Industries
そきこ (睡蓮アリス
KallieKomeiji (Calico Imagination

Similar results, but the source looks much more cluttered.

When adding links to staff, I prefer internal links to circles over external links. So if Calico Imagination is a real circle with a page on the wiki, I'd do this:

; Illustration : KallieKomeiji ([[Calico Imagination]])
KallieKomeiji (Calico Imagination

over this:

; Illustration : KallieKomeiji ([[Twitter: @KallieKomeiji]] / [[Pixiv ID: 1234567890]])
KallieKomeiji (Twitter: @KallieKomeiji / Pixiv ID: 1234567890

But let's say the page for Calico Imagination hasn't been created yet (though I made sure that it has the relevant releases to have a page on the wiki), I would add internal and external links, so people can use them to create a circle page.

I used to not do add external links thinking I can create the circle page later, and later find out that I don't remember what they are, so now I add them :)

; Illustration : KallieKomeiji ([[Calico Imagination]] / [[Twitter: @KallieKomeiji]] / [[Pixiv ID: 1234567890]])
KallieKomeiji (Calico Imagination / Twitter: @KallieKomeiji / Pixiv ID: 1234567890

The point in the parentheses is important. When I do something like this, I make sure that the circle exists and has the necessary releases to be accepted on the wiki. If they don't, like if the circle only releases non-Touhou works, then I don't make it an internal link.

The circle/external link part should only appear once.

Mystiana (Reanimated Dusk Industries
そきこ (睡蓮アリス
(a bunch of other credits later...)
Mixing & Mastering

The only exception I do is for music pages, when the person first appears in the 专辑人员列表 template, in which case I'll add that part again if they appear outside said template. Admittedly that's a habit I carried over the years, but my ad-hoc justification here is that you can only add one link in that template - it could be useful if it's a guest member who have their own non-Touhou circle and a SoundCloud.

For doujinshi pages a lot of times I just put a non-specific credit like this, especially for one-person circles where it's obvious which circle the only person in that section belongs to:

* [[Mystiana]]
  • Mystiana

Guest contributors are marked in parentheses, plus their circle/external links if they have one.

* [[Mystiana]]
* [[そきこ]] (guest; [[睡蓮アリス]])
  • Mystiana
  • そきこ (guest; 睡蓮アリス

Aliases, FKAs, NKAs, etc. on circle pages

This part is temporary, I just wanted to try out a guideline for myself and see how it works out. This is written with music circles in mind but should work for circles who don't primarily make music.

  • No super long alias lists, especially if most of them are only used on one release. A mild example on Discogs to show how big those lists can get.
  • If an alias is super old, not mentioned on their websites and not relevant to Touhou, then I'll refrain from adding them to the f.k.a. section.
    • I probably will give an exception if their old work is popular by internet standards.
  • If someone moves away from making Touhou fanworks (so their circle would have the 转入非东方 status) and they switch to a new alias for their current work, I'll add them in the n.k.a. section.
    • This is for discovery reasons. Maybe an artist starts doing some even better or innovative stuff under their new name, but you wouldn't know that if you don't even know they changed name in the first place. Plus it's not fair to judge artists only by their early works.
    • Exception being if the artist do not want this connection to be made (for example, wanting their current project to be a secret) or if they change name a lot and doing so would result in having a super long alias list.
  • No deadnames for trans artists. This is non-negotiable. I'll make a redirect to the non-deadname for searchability reasons but deadnames will not appear on the circle page.
    • This is likely not a common issue since almost no one in this scene uses their real name on music credits (Odyssey Eurobeat being the high-profile exception), but it's worth writing it down for future reference.

wikicode copypastes

I have this text file open with wikicode that I commonly use. I recommend doing the same if you want to dedicate a lot of time editing this wiki because it'll save a lot of time.

My file has some stuff for rare situations so I'm only showing the entries that I tend to use. Lines with // in front are explanations.

// regular templates


// image sources
// direct image link is for linking to the image itself
// source page is for the page where the image appears
// the distinction is there because the source page doesn't always have the best quality image. Sometimes it shows a thumbnail or a cropped portion, and the full image is only visible after you click on it, or open the image in a new tab
// my internet research tips page has a section on how to get high quality images
// I use the (original size) version if I'm uploading the original size image.
// If I have to crop the original image, I use (original size; cropped)
// don't use this for Pixiv and Nico Seiga because only logged in users can see original size images.
源地址:[link_to_image direct image link], [link_to_source source page]
源地址:[link_to_image direct image link (original size)], [link_to_source source page]

// I also like to personalize the source page part for certain websites (Melonbooks, Twitter, Soundcloud, etc)
源地址:[link_to_image direct image link (original size)], [link_to_source source tweet]
源地址:[link_to_image direct image link (original size)], [link_to_source source page (circle Booth)]
源地址:[link_to_image direct image link], [link_to_source source page (suruga-ya ID: )]
源地址:[link_to_image direct image link (original size)], [link_to_source source page (Melonbooks ID: )]
源地址:[link_to_image direct image link (original size)], [link_to_source source page (Soundcloud)]

// original size covers on Bandcamp tend to go over the size limit so I use an intermediate version, check the Bandcamp reference page for more details
源地址:[link_to_image direct image link (10 size)], [link_to_page source page (artist Bandcamp)]


// archive links
// I tend to use the latest useful snapshot for archive links. What that means is that every snapshot in the Wayback Machine dated after it either doesn't exist, shows an error page, a notice that the website host is down, or is a different website (usually created for SEO spam or scamming purposes) unrelated to the circle/album/etc.
// Let's say I link to a snapshot from June 2012. This means that any snapshot from after that, like one made in 2022 or even July 2012, will not have useful info.

// for release pages (albums, doujinshi, games)
| 官网补充 = {{失效标记}}<small>([archival_link_url 缓存页面])</small>
| 官网补充 = {{失效标记}}x2<small>([archival_link_url_1 缓存页面1],[archival_link_url_2 缓存页面2])</small>
| 官网补充 = {{失效标记}}<small>(无缓存页面)</small>

// for circle pages
| 官网说明 = {{失效标记}}<small>([ 缓存页面])</small>
| 官网说明2 = (旧官网){{失效标记}}<small>([ 缓存页面])</small>
| 官网说明2 = (旧官网){{失效标记}}<small>(无缓存页面)</small>


// commentary/评论 section stuff
'''[melonbooks_link 社团在蜜瓜上的评论]''':


'''[toranoana_link 社团在虎穴上的评论]''':
