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東方催狐譚 ~ Servants of Harvest Wish./Readme

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Title: Touhou Saikotan ~ Servants of Harvest Wish (v1.10a)
Made by: Team Dreamcatcher
Type: Freeware
Contact: http://twitter.com/th_dreamcatcher


This STG is a derivative work of the Touhou Project, and is made in accordance
with the official guidelines for Touhou fanworks (listed below).
Please do not contact the official series creator with any questions about this game.

-[Official guidelines for using the Touhou Project IP (ZUN's blog)]

-[FAQ for derivative works or usage of Touhou Project (Linked from ZUN's blog)]
http://takker6.tada-katsu.com/t-081-2.html (formerly http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Yoyo/1736/t-081-2.html)


<Installation / How to play>
Simply unzip this folder, then double-click "th_dnh.exe" to start.

Simply delete this whole folder. That's all.

<Recommended specs>
Latest version of DirectX, Windows 10 32bit/64bit

<Basic controls>
Arrow keys: Move player character
Z: Fire player shot / Confirm
X: Use bomb / Cancel
Left shift: Slow down player movement
Esc: Pause
*Other special functions are listed in the in-game manual.

This game is a danmaku STG. Basic gameplay should be familiar to any fans of the Touhou series.
Dodge the enemies' elaborate bullet patterns, and defeat each stage's boss to clear the game!
Repeatedly playing the game to memorize specific strategies is the key to victory.


<Copyright, redistribution, etc.>
In accordance with the official guidelines above, Team Dreamcatcher reserves all rights to this work.
We do not condone the unauthorized re-use of any character, video or audio copyrights used within the work.
Please do not republish the game files, redistribute them in other places, etc.

If you wish to post reviews or summaries of the game on other sites or social media,
feel free to do so without contacting us in advance. Screenshots, summary text,
links to this page, etc. can be freely used without getting permission first.

Advance permission is not required for gameplay videos, livestreams, or non-commercial fanworks
(art, comics, music remixes etc.) either. If anything we'd be deeply flattered, so if you'd like
to make something of that nature, by all means go ahead.
We just ask that you respect common courtesy in the process.
Also, in the case of fangames, it'd be helpful if you could contact us first for good measure.

We waive all responsibility for any problems that may arise as a result of using this software.
Please make use of it at your own discretion.
Starting up the game will be interpreted as an agreement to this disclaimer.


<Version history>
May 16, 2020 - Full version 1.00a released