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歌词:Ferocious Stasis

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Track Informations
Ferocious Stasis
Ferocious Stasis [03:51]
Ferocious Stasis (2021-07-10)
Lyrics:Komeji C
Original Title:フラワリングナイト
  • Lyrics Language:英文

Silver night burning bright
Brighten your fading sight
Vivid darkness under the night sky
Burning bright
Another piece crash and burns when the light falls
Vivid darkness under night and moon shines
Intertwines the fire lamp
Silver dagger, mercy, mercy, no it mercilessly swipes through
Blood spills in a sec, so better not too close, close
Not too close Too close Too close
Perfect and elegant in her grace
Like a diamond in your face
Making you willing to gaze in amaze
In amaze
Another piece crash and burns
into ash and descents
Vivid darkness under the night sky as the moon shines
Stops the time