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歌词:Look Upon My Works Ye Mighty and Despair

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Track Informations
Seasons(Higan Daybreak)
Look Upon My Works Ye Mighty and Despair [03:57]
Seasons (2022-06-21)
Circle:Higan Daybreak
Original Title:デザイアドライブ
  • Lyrics Language:英文

We all want to be someone
This desire drives us
Something gives it falls apart
Watching my empire
All that I’ve built collapse
Dust and ash of my past
Only ruins are left
Not a trace of what I had
The Lion’s roar means nothing
When the pride has scattered
Once exalted now alone
Vain glory’s last reward
None of what’s left matters
Relics of a time passed
Fade away with the time
Echoes of wind breezing by
It breaks down
Crashing to the ground
Falling with it
Cannot stop
What has been started
My own fall
Watching my empire
All that I’ve built collapse
Dust and ash of my past
Not a trace of it’s left