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歌词:Someplace Safe

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Track Informations
First Step in Paradise
Someplace Safe [04:24]
First Step in Paradise (2018-10-14)
Circle:Youkai Paradise
Arrange:Youkai Paradise
Lyrics:Saber Kiryuu
Original Title:万年置き傘にご注意を
  • Lyrics Language:英文

Are you scared of everlasting life?
Your body shivers as I’m smiling
This night should last forever
Body’s shaking, eyes are gazing
Boo! Was that scary?
I was going down the road
And then I suddenly met you
Behind your back, you hear me creep
What a sweet melody!
Without a place to live
I wander with nothing to do
Well, here I am now so
In an utter darkness
There is only sadness
Feelings are awakening
I’ve been too long waiting
Even if a red string somehow links us together
I will struggle into my own collapse
Show me your lovely expression,
When you scream into the darkness
There is no place to hide
I don’t even know what home looks like
I want to stay someplace safe, when I stay - You stay with me
We are not like the others, we don’t lie, trust me then
It started before just like now, everything was truly fine
Now there’s only hope and dreams about a new, better life
If I’m scared, can I make someone feel a similar way?
Everything seems to be way too difficult for me
When I’m with you, nothing can surprise me, because I’m not alone
Would you maybe like to help me sleep silently?