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Track Informations
SnowStorm (2014-10-12)
Circle:Pearls Before Swine
Original Title:亡き王女の為のセプテット
  • Lyrics Language:英文

laughing rulers and the people who kneels smiley
the queer worship and the crazy faith
the system of this ghetto is the same as the world
which I watched here is my truth
I can live to me only here
Wise man begins to beg
the liner rule
I doubt my truth and their leader
the sky is messier
I do not know the over of this cloud
hold you my hope
find me
in addition, I notice when I lost it
I do not want to stay here
I go back over there
find us
this town was covered with rubble
does not make the smell this beach
it's so stillness. I can not hear anything
some questions takes many problems
Is it too late? my head is burning
Inorganic air, I am choking it over here
and I slept like a dog
found me?
innovation, I remember your voice
anything doing? where my hope
found us? time is on
wise man begins to beg
the liner rule
I doubt my truth and their leader
the sky is messier
I do not know the over of this cloud
hold you my hope
find me
in addition, I notice when I lost it
I do not want to stay here
I go back over there
found me?
innovation, I remember your voice
Anything doing? where my hope
found us? time is on

