00:23.08 | お伽話夢の続きを知りたい? | 想要知道童话之梦的后续? |
00:28.30 | 誰も触れることの無い夢の続き | 那无人触碰的梦境的后续 |
00:33.68 | 生かされてく空虚の時間戸惑い | 在独活下来的空虚时间中迷惘 |
00:39.00 | 光も無く音も無く絵が歪むの | 无光而又无声的绘画早已歪曲 |
00:44.30 | ||
00:44.31 | suddenly,feel dizzy | suddenly,feel dizzy |
00:45.64 | memories of the past | memories of the past |
00:46.93 | charming and adorable | charming and adorable |
00:48.22 | a once upon a time | a once upon a time |
00:49.66 | ||
00:49.67 | I dig it,when I dream | I dig it,when I dream |
00:50.96 | flavor of facinate | flavor of facinate |
00:52.26 | to have it poisonous | to have it poisonous |
00:53.52 | I didn't notice | I didn't notice |
01:04.34 | ||
01:26.90 | 放射線が示す可能性の先 | 放射线所展示出的 可能性的前方 |
01:32.28 | 加速の音僕は傍観していく | 听到了加速的声音 我就此旁观吧 |
00:31.50 | お伽話夢の続きを知りたい? | 想要知道童话之梦的后续? |
00:37.13 | 誰も触れることの無い夢の続き | 那无人触碰的梦境的后续 |
00:42.47 | 生かされてく空虚の時間戸惑い | 在独活下来的空虚时间中迷惘 |
00:47.81 | 光も無く音も無く絵が歪むの | 无光而又无声的绘画早已歪曲 |
00:52.99 | ||
00:53.00 | suddenly,feel dizzy | suddenly,feel dizzy |
00:54.50 | memories of the past | memories of the past |
00:55.50 | charming and adorable | charming and adorable |
00:57.00 | a once upon a time | a once upon a time |
00:57.99 | ||
00:58.00 | I dig it,when I dream | I dig it,when I dream |
00:59.50 | flavor of facinate | flavor of facinate |
01:01.00 | to have it poisonous | to have it poisonous |
01:02.00 | I didn't notice | I didn't notice |
01:13.00 | ||
01:35.50 | 昔々それはまだ小さい頃 | 很久很久之前 我尚年幼的时候 |
01:41.00 | 憧れてた煌びやかな万華鏡 | 曾经憧憬过的 光辉灿烂的万花筒 |
01:46.00 | 手にすること案外それは容易く | 要把它拿到手中 意外地十分容易 |
01:51.50 | その重みは経過と共に蝕む | 那份重量 早已与经历一同被侵蚀 |
01:56.49 | ||
01:56.50 | suddenly,feel dizzy | suddenly,feel dizzy |
01:58.00 | memories of the past | memories of the past |
01:59.50 | charming and adorable | charming and adorable |
02:01.00 | a once upon a time | a once upon a time |
02:01.99 | ||
02:02.00 | I dig it,when I dream | I dig it,when I dream |
02:03.50 | flavor of facinate | flavor of facinate |
02:05.00 | to have it poisonous | to have it poisonous |
02:06.30 | I didn't notice | I didn't notice |
02:17.00 | ||
02:39.50 | 放射線が示す可能性の先 | 放射线所展示出的 可能性的前方 |
02:45.00 | 加速の音僕は傍観していく | 听到了加速的声音 我就此旁观吧 |