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日文名伊邪雲のエレナ(いざぐも の エレナ)
英文名Izagumo no Erena
能力To manipulate stability
東方命叶輝 ~ Catastrophic Radiance of Plenty.六面BOSS文档Youkai of Demise, God of the New World
Promised Land Built on Fantasy ~ Catastrophe of All!!
筑于幻想之上的应许之地 ~ Catastrophe of All!!


A tsukumogami of a nuclear weapon. She for the most part appears clueless to the horrors of her nature - that of a weapon of mass destruction. However, as of recently, she’s been really upset. That upset caused an uproar inside of her, causing her ability to uncontrollably trigger. It caused particles inside of her to become dangerously unstable, causing her to tremble and give off an air of sickness. In that state, everything around her would either wither and die or mutate beyond its original purpose.
Those that she mutated into sentience started worshipping her as the goddess of life and evolution and started to spread the word of praise throughout the land of Gensokyo, under the self-proclaimed title of Harbingers of the New World. That in itself became dangerous - more people meant more attention. So much in fact that she could barely stand it. This caused her instability to grow further. That instability spread further than the last one, once again killing off all the weaker creatures and strengthening those who survived her
Her Harbingers thus realized that the best way to spread her influence is by annoying their master to no end and causing an uproar so large and unstable that all of Gensokyo will be able to hear it

The protagonists after being annoyed mad by the fly themselves encounter Erena. She appears in clear distress and panic
Bad ending

the protagonists have driven Erena completely crazy, setting her off, bringing Gensokyo to an end (yup, Gensokyo just seizes to exist)
Good ending

the protagonists have managed to calm her down in a playful danmaku duel. After being taken away from her usual place of stay she is put as a head researcher of agriculture, specializing in mutation breeding and using her powers for the benefit of everyone (maybe the Moriyas would be involved?)
