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日文名紂 眞藻 (しりがい の まも)
英文名Shirigai no Mamo
能力Controlling minds
東方催狐譚 ~ Servants of Harvest WishEX面BOSS游戏Ill-Wishing Mastermind
Mikuzume's Mind Game



The ultimate, absolute mastermind behind the harvest incident. It was none other than she who tipped the first domino which set the stage for all of this story's events.
Her singular goal was to obtain a new, physical body to call her own. Absolutely nothing else mattered until she got what she wanted, not even the lives of innocent humans.
As a preface, she is a nine-tailed fox youkai with a long, documented history of stirring up trouble across Asia, typically by seducing rulers and then seizing control of their kingdoms.
She assumed several identities in various countries over the ages: Daji and Bao Si in China, Lady Kayou in India, and, most recently, Tamamo-no-Mae in Japan.
Eventually, her reign of chaos was put to an end--after attempting to kill Emperor Toba, her plot was exposed and she herself was assassinated. What remained of her body and spirit was transformed into an object known as the "killing stone", which emitted miasma and killed all who laid a finger on it.
According to legend, the fox's spirit was eventually exorcised, causing the killing stone to lose its deadly qualities, but... in truth, it was merely an act.
She feigned repentance in order to deceive the world into thinking that she was no longer a threat when, in reality, she had already begun planning her next diabolical scheme. As time passed and people accepted the belief that the wicked fox was gone for good, the killing stone, with the fox's soul bound to it, finally passed into fantasy. At that point, all she could do was wait.
During the events of the previous summer's falling meteor incident, the barrier between the Outside World and Gensokyo was weakened, which resulted in a surplus of humans and objects being spirited away.Among them was a Yosakoi dancer from the Kouchi prefecture who, scared and confused, wandered through the overgrown outskirts of Gensokyo.
Eventually, the dancer stumbled across a clearing in the woods, in the center of which stood a smooth, waist-height stone wrapped in shimenawa.
"That looks like a comfortable place to sit. I've been walking for hours...", she thought to herself... without realizing that it would be the last thing she would be able to think for a long time.
From that point on, all of her thoughts, feelings, and memories were determined by the fox, who attached a mask to the dancer's face and christened her "Kagemo".
Most who touched the stone dropped dead on the spot, but the fox had a particularly special plan for Kagemo. Losing one's sense of self is arguably a fate worth than death, after all.
Without a moment's hesitation, Kagemo set out to realize her new master's ambition to obtain a new body.
The initial plan was for Kagemo to collect soil and clay from a cemetery in order to create a hinnagami--a doll that could, in theory, grant the fox's wish to receive a new body. Normally, the process of creating a hinnagami would take about three years, but the fox pushed Kagemo to her limit, thus shortening the process to a few weeks' time. Through their combined efforts (but mostly Kagemo's), Meimei was born. Unfortunately, due to her rushed creation or some other factor, Meimei proved unable to realize the fox's wish to a satisfactory extent. Of course, it was too good to be true.
The fox then set her sights on the wish-fulfilling jewel, a powerful artifact said to exist wherever the god Inari had manifested. Surely there was one of those in Gensokyo, so she had Kagemo use Meimei to wish for a direct path leading to its location, and sent the two off to retrieve it. Barely a day later, on a streak of good luck, Kagemo managed to steal the jewel and bring it back to the fox's stone. Without skipping a beat, Kagemo wished her master a new body--one as perfect as could be...
Suddenly, a blinding light shone from both the jewel and the killing stone, knocking Kagemo and Meimei off their feet. When they came to, in front of them stood a tall, beautiful woman they had never seen before. That woman was their master, the fox who had influenced their every move up to that moment, now in physical form. With a grin, she introduced herself as "Shirigai no Mamo": a name encompassing both her origins as the concubine of King Zhou (whose name can be read as "Shirigai") and her recent history as Tamamo-no-Mae.
As time passed, word got out that the crops in the Human Village started to wilt. Ever bright and sharp, Mamo concluded that it was a direct consequence of Inari and the wish-fulfilling jewel being far apart. Reluctantly, Mamo sent Kagemo and Meimei off to return the jewel both to (hopefully) appease the god it belonged to as well as to avoid being hunted down and exterminated. She didn't want all her (read: Kagemo's) hard work to obtain her new body to go to waste, after all.
However, what Mamo least expected was for Kagemo and Meimei to return beaten up, the former with her mask cracked. Instead of anger, sorrow, or even the slightest of pity, Mamo felt a sense of delight. The dancer and the doll both reeked of profane energy, so there was no way that the shrine's sacred servants could have been the ones to attack them. That meant there was another actor at play, someone powerful enough to put a dent in the spell holding Kagemo hostage. Mamo took great interest in that person, and forged a plan to lead them into her lair to meet them herself.
She switched out Kagemo's mask with a more stable and powerful replacement, and tossed what remained of the old one around the outskirts of the Human Village. Whoever broke the mask would surely follow the footprints leading to it. And then, it was only a matter of time until their fated reunion.
Fun fact: The four crystal-like objects that Mamo has in her possession are physical partitions of her memory, each of which came into existence following the abandonment of one of her previous identities.
Touching one of the objects induces vivid flashbacks of the corresponding era of her life, so vivid that the average human would be left in a state of shock.
It is through these objects that Mamo possesses several lifetimes' worth of knowledge. As a result, it's nigh impossible to beat her at trivia games. Don't even try it.


  • 红色名字的符卡为自机为博丽灵梦时的符卡,蓝色名字的符卡为自机为雾雨魔理沙时的符卡,绿色名字的符卡为自机为东风谷早苗时的符卡,橙色名字的符卡为自机为龙子时的符卡,其余为各机体通用。
发谜「紫丁香探测器」3Clever Riddle「Lilac Detector」Extra
发谜「半真半假测谎仪」Clever Riddle「The Half-Truthful Lie Detector」Lunatic Extra
薄谜「老鼠模拟器」4Unfortunate Riddle「Mouse Simulator」Extra
薄谜「人类捕鼠器」Unfortunate Riddle「A Mousetrap Fit for a Human」Lunatic Extra
悬谜「寻心水晶导弹」Eager Riddle「Heart-Seeking Cryssile」5Extra
悬谜「渴求爱情之石」Eager Riddle「Love-Hungry Stones」Lunatic Extra
昏谜「睡眠捕手」6Comatose Riddle「Sleep Catcher」Extra
昏谜「狐之催眠谭」Comatose Riddle「A Fox's Hypnotic Tale」Lunatic Extra
黎谜「记忆碎片」7Black Riddle「Memento Memory」Extra
黎谜「组长大人的命令」Black Riddle「Gang Leader's Orders」Lunatic Extra
雷谜「思维清道夫」8Thunderous Riddle「Mindsweeper」Extra
雷谜「一触即发地雷原」Thunderous Riddle「Trigger Happy Minefield」Lunatic Extra
运谜「四绳跳」9Fateful Riddle「Quadruple Dutch」Extra
运谜「九尾之狐」Fateful Riddle「Fox o' Nine Tails」Lunatic Extra
巫女之谜「红玉焙烙之妲己」Riddle for a Shrine Maiden「Daji and the Ruby Toaster」Extra/Lunatic Extra
魔法使之谜「青玉公主华阳」Riddle for a Magician「Sapphire Princess Kayou」Extra/Lunatic Extra
现人神之谜「碧玉皇后褒姒」Riddle for a Living God「Jade Empress Bao Si」Extra/Lunatic Extra
龙之谜「琥珀中的玉藻前」Riddle for a Dragon「Tamamo-no-Mae in Amber」Extra/Lunatic Extra
「恶狐附身」10「Possessed by Fox」Extra/Lunatic Extra
「心灵之主」「Master of Mind」Extra/Lunatic Extra
冥谜「邪恶三狐一体」Dark Riddle「Evil Kitrinity11Lunatic Extra(与影面梅美合作使用)
「虚构的弹幕地狱」12「Imaginary Bullet Hell」Last Word
*晕眩迷宫**Labyrinth in Vertigo*Extra/Lunatic Extra(异常)
梦谜「无名的心灵游戏」Dream Riddle「The Mind Game with No Name」Overdrive


  1. 原型即大名鼎鼎的九尾狐玉藻前,为中国神话中的九尾狐传入日本后经过加工创作而成的妖怪。传说九尾狐渡越三国,先后为商纣王之妃妲己、周幽王之妃褒姒、天竺耶竭陀国王子之妃华阳夫人、日本鸟羽上皇之妃玉藻前。后被安倍晴明识破真身,在重兵围剿下覆灭,怨念化作杀生石。
  2. 九尾狐来到日本后最初名叫藻女,被鸟羽上皇迎入宫中后赐名玉藻前。
  3. 捏他秘封噩梦日记 ~ Violet Detector.
  4. 捏他动物扮演游戏《老鼠模拟器》(Mouse Simulator)。
  5. Cryssile为Crystal与Missile合成的自造词。
  6. 捏他哆来咪·苏伊特符卡梦符「Dream Catcher」与本作品的制作组名。
  7. 原名为诺兰指导的小说改编悬疑电影《记忆碎片》(Memento),同时捏他拉丁谚语“Memento Mori”(记住你终有一死)。
  8. 原名为一解谜游戏《思维清道夫》(Mindsweeper),同时捏他“扫雷”(Mine Sweeper)。
  9. Double Dutch是一种高难度的跳绳运动。运动员需要多次跳过正反方向要来的两根相反方向的绳子。这张卡的卡名是对这一运动的neta。
  10. 捏他藤原妹红符卡「Possessed by Phoenix」
  11. Kitsune(狐狸)+Trinity(三位一体)。
  12. 捏他纯狐符卡纯符「Purely Bullet Hell」

