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Brainshocker! Interrogative (2022-09-18)
社团:fudarin ga'proy
编曲:fudarin ga'proy
演唱:fudarin ga'proy
作词:fudarin ga'proy
  • 歌词语言:日文,英文

can i ever hypnotize myself to breach defensive gains?
it is not unusual, for one who delights in trite sprain
is this even a person i can remember for all times
or am i better off without the juvenile shallow mimes?
i don't know, who knows then? all he can do is say the spiel
"yes sir, no sir" anchor, yet crack your heel
of course, he tires of sight, so that's what makes him pay
without funds, daydreams empathically to get gunned
pistol in the safe, my my, you beg for a strafe?
hand-to-hand, basis of all boxes, not since a glock can
fix us, don't neglect your duty, beseech Her name because
you're not some wild monster who would put the squirrels down to shame, right?
you, you and you, 妖々夢, ██████, 許して
sorry i'm not so fluent and seclusive as you said
the fictious realm of flashing lights and black tights
it's more than i could alight
isn't it obvious that i'm suppressing dangerous fuel
from entering my smokescreen, now it's clouded in your rule
you've encased me in your favorite glass, like a tar aquarium
now you expect her to talk in the crazed feint of delirium?
there comes a time where being the height
just doesn't make
for a nice burned up light
one said we should rebirth and maybe
we can give it a shot
two good turns then misses the room
of repent
dye the scent of their bloom
amber irises fall to bedsheets
undeserving of a clean cot