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yearly listening log drafts
Just some drafts for my listening log and recommendations pages. They're mostly for the years I haven't gotten to yet. Some of them talks about the music, some are just basic notes.
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HELICON (2022-05-20)
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東方硬核破壊祭 (2022-04-24)
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Gensokyo 199X 2: Another Touhou 90's Album (2022-06-06)
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Touhou Afrobeats (2022-05-08)
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サドマゾヒズム (2011-12-30)
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[ Dualism ] (2018-05-20)
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紅魔館にピアノなんかあったっけ? (2009-10-11)
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Dispirited (2022-06-27)
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廃樂典 (2020-10-11)
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異聞見聞録 下 (2021-10-31)
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心娶 Kokorometry (2013-08-12)
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Mirage Cadence EP (2020-09-30)
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Enigmatic Tributes (2024-04-09)
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Distant Phantasm -2nd- (2011-08-20)
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DIVE (2016-04-30)
also have stuff for these in mind but I don't feel like cleaning up and putting here right now:
- Fatal Contamination (and the spectres of 00s prog metalcore band Between the Buried and Me)
- bugdaughter (want to expand on my comment on that page some more)
- containmentzone (where I talk about my complex feelings on electronic music meant for chilling, but also, this is a fascinating and unique house album)
- Susume (a celebration of the literary side of the fandom, but also a mourning over the english speaking fandom's dismissal of brony music)
- per speculum in aenigmate (about the idea of orchestral music as the peak of art, my disappointment with this idea, and why this take on the genre appeals to me)
- Parallel Passage of the Vile (Why I love modern dissonant metal, and why it's surprisingly not antithetical to Touhou arrangements)
- Suture:, 博麗歌暦華伝, 38万キロの裏側 (Three Chinese art pop albums that I want music nerds to listen to)
- some Blankfield & Electric Red albums (where I pretend to have been into djent since 2009. idk this doesn't really work unless I do a bunch of research into what it's like to be that kind of person. but still: a lot of it will talk about the state of the genre between 2009 and 2012)
- RESetup;, Samplejunk, So Many Materials (I read about the rise of digital maximalism in bass music and want to try to relate it to the rise of the rhythm game notespam style of J-core around the same era. Do I have something good or am I just grasping at vague correlations? Who knows!)
assorted prog metal opinions
Jotting down some opinions while I revisit stuff while working on the wiki. Not sure how the overall tone of this will go - as much as I like prog metal, I also don't like trad prog or power metal, which is like most of the big-name circles in the fandom lmao. But I'll try to point out things that sound interesting to me.
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Shout at The Devil (2006-08-13)
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黒点回廊 (2010-06-20)
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Drawing the Spell Ⅳ (2009-12-30)
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Drawing the Spell Ⅲ (2008-12-29)
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Brutal Games For Reminding Of Death (2008-12-29)
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東方グラインド (2010-10-11)
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In The Wake Of Scarlet Devil (2015-08-14)
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Amorphous (2010-08-14)
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Cubical another perspective has violated systematically (2007-08-17)
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Metamorphose(毎日五月病。) (2011-09-11)
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Perish In Polaritia (2016-08-13)
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Envy You All Men! (2010-05-16)
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Château Bleu (2013-12-30)
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ソウルオブリバース (2021-10-24)
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Sanity and its Counterparts (2013-11-01)
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BULLET HELL (2018-01-04)
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Red Hazard Demo (2009-09-22)
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distorted incident (2012-12-30)
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東方桜妖紀 ~Necromance Metal Attitude~ (2007-08-17)
Guide To Aramitama
Aramitama used to be one of my favorite circles but I lost interest as they seemed to be full on into making techno.
The organization for this list isn't final but I do want to group similar albums together. And unlike my UFO Country discography run, I'm not doing this in chronological order to give myself a bit of space.
SpellCore Series
SpellTech Series
Techno Hell Series
Folk Fusion Series
Covers albums that features folk music like the erhu on 華人の星霜 or Irish music on No crap on Tap!. Recommended if you're not into strictly electronic EDM and want something that's more organic. However, I'll warn you ahead of time that I'm not a big fan of them with the exception of No Crap on Tap! - those instruments are mostly sidelined into playing the original melodies without much room for derivations, and the EDM parts feel lackluster because they're written with the expectation that the melody is handled by the folk parts. Pretty much in the "not bad, but could do much more with the concept" zone for me.
DS-10 Series
Covers albums made using the KORG DS-10 VST on the Nintendo DS. Includes ARAM DS-10 REMIXES and the TechStylus series. Recommended if you're interested in chiptune made with unconventional (as in, not made using the NES or Game Boy, and in this fandom's context also not made to sound like PC-98) means.
The DS-10 had its time in the limelight from 2008 to 2011, and I'd be remiss if I didn't recommend スタジオネネム's first few albums.
Every other album that's not in a series whatsoever. These will mostly be variety EDM comps.
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Rigid Footwork (2012-10-07)
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Empathy Subliminal Psychokinesis (2018-12-30)
that one area of Touhou rock
Putting this here to hopefully get a better understanding of why I like this beyond finding this sound. The best way to understand is to listen to these examples, but here are some common characteristics I've noticed:
- clean and melodic vocals; not sure how to classify the vocal style but it feels indie-ish. The vocals can be poppy but not to the extent of something you'd hear in epic anime pop rock, power metal or mainstream metalcore/post-hardcore.
- somewhat complex guitar lines that are influenced by post-hardcore, math rock or sometimes funk rock; the guitar tone is similarly the type of jangly tone you'd find in math rock and post-hardcore. In terms of non-Touhou Japanese music, think of 凛として時雨, Cö shu Nie or early 9mm Parabellum Bullet.
- rhythmically loose drumming, though this doesn't preclude the music having 4-on-the-floor or basic rock/punk drum rhythms once in a while
As you'd expect from the point about guitar lines, music in this area are mostly classified as post-hardcore, math rock or math pop, and to a lesser extent indie rock, funk rock, alternative rock and pop rock. However, influences from post-rock, shoegaze, emo and skramz are also possible.
This is not part of 用户Wiki:Demobanker/keeping track of some up-and-coming genres I'm interested in because this is not a genre but a classification I made up. Also note that this isn't meant to be comprehensive, but a list of releases (and some songs) that I like the most and are representative of this style.
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ノスタルジック幻想状態 (2008-12-29)
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極東アウトブレイク (2010-03-14)
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少女地獄 (2010-06-27) | |
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極東アウトブレイク 弐 (2011-03-13)
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セイントキャッチャー (2011-03-13)
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幻想世界 (2011-12-30) | |
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枯れ岸に咲く [03:13]
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Gensou Drag EP. (2013-05-26)
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suck la sakura (2014-05-11) | |
hello and, again, (2014-10-12)
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Border on Blossom (2016-05-08)
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NARCOLEPSY (2016-05-08)
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モジャの輪 (2017-05-07)
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碧落の百鬼夜行 (2018-10-14)
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cirno day 2019 (2019-09-09)
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shortfilm (2019-10-06)
genre list drafts
drafts for 用户Wiki:Demobanker/keeping track of some up-and-coming genres I'm interested in
The thing is I'm not very knowledgable about the genre despite liking the few releases of what I heard of it so far, so you should just read the Rate Your Music genre page instead.
Okay, you finished reading the full description? Then you already know that there's a lot of possibilities in this genre, and also that its aesthetics crosses over with video game and anime. In fact, Dismiss Yourself's Surge Compilation Vol. 1, a snapshot of the state of the genre in 2020 by the Youtube channel that popularized it, has PC-98 Reimu being crucified on its cover. Which probably makes this the 2020s Touhou hijack equivalent of goreshit putting Cirno and Aya on his hugely popular lolicore albums.
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Death Denpa (2020-09-21)
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¥/ 0 U TR Y T00 HA RD T0 3E C00|_: T0UH0U LXIX (2020-10-30)
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Chocolate Hearts and Stag Beetles (2021-02-14)
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Kuso AKA Kx $ 0 the Mixtape: "God of Darkness, breathing clouds in the fantasy landscape, etc." (2021-12-22)
There's actually not a page on RYM for them so hopefully this description is accurate. IMO both terms refers to the same style of music, a subgenre of atmospheric drum and bass with a focus on layered atmospheres, usually with an ethereal or hazy washed-out sound, and drum choppage ranging from simple amen loops to more complex sequencing influenced by jungle and modern (from 00s onwards) breakcore. This sound was popularized by the (now-disgraced) Australian artist Sewerslvt, whose 2020 album Draining Love Story became hugely popular17 and inspired a generation of producers to make similar music18. However, the album has also became controversial for musical reasons as it was miscategorized as breakcore despite its lack of hardcore influences. Luckily, these two terms exists so there could be a common way to refer to the sound without calling it breakcore or using the Spotify-generated term glitchbreak which actually lumps in other unrelated genres like industrial hip hop and footwork. The difference here is that I see the former term more in English discussions and the latter in Japanese discussions.
The term dreambreak was brought to a larger audience with American musician Duskfall's 2020 mix Dreambreak Vol. 1, released on the Dismiss Yourself channel19. You can read her commentary on the mix which includes a definition of the term. While she never released a follow-up mix, artists like Brazil's Starmoon has picked up this term to describe their music.
On the other side of the equation, the term breakgaze was popularized by Japanese music writer/digger Tsunaki Kadowaki to refer to depressive breakcore and atmospheric drum and bass with a shoegaze-like (or, "shoegazement") feel. They have a Spotify playlist for this sound.
Some Chinese artists making this genre: PostmodernHippie (on BREAKCON, which combines the genre with shoegaze).
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Genso Tour (2022-08-20)
- Stuff I like. There's one tagged daymarebreak because it's noiser and more hostile compared to normal dreambreak, and I didn't want to call it "nightmarebreak" because that sounds too clunky.
- Also see the releases I tagged as genre secondary (appears for around 25-50% of the release, notable but I wouldn't call them a genre release) and tertiary (appears like maybe on part of a track or an interlude, basically just there to keep track of the small stuff. also I didn't realize until writing this that the three releases there are all metal lmao. btw coffret is by Alice from some of the later HoGs, just an extra bonus connection here)
Witch House
when there are witches in a house blah blah just check the rym genre page
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E T E R N ▲ L S L E E P [04:41]
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F⏀R†UɴE †URɴIɴG ⏀VER [04:17]
- Neppu Tennouboshi (f.k.a. Scarlet Dreamer) - Locked Girl ~ The Girl's Secret Room (reuploaded on 2020-10-05)
Stuff I like (basic bitch taste but I gotta start somewhere)
Baile Funk / Funk (Brazil)
you can't even tag the regular type of funk on this wiki but okay
this isn't a post-2000s music genre, its history goes back to the 1980s, but heck it, shoutouts to Brazil. they just call it funk over there
not to be confused with the drift phonk/phonk house area of music, which has different sounds and origins.
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my creativity is dead [02:57]
- AXELERATOR - nomico vs MC Kitinho - Bad Apple!!(AXLRTR DRIFT RMX) (2023-02-08) - Japanese producer btw
- DJ RaMeMes - BAD APPLE DO FLAMENGO (2023-07-18)
- AXELERATOR - touhou_funk.mp3 (2023-12-03)
- AXELERATOR - Bad Apple (axlrtr 2.5 Final Mix +) (2024-05-22)
- This and the previous track are collected on this bootleg album
- XxKOYUKIxX - Bad apple!!(koyuki baile funk bootleg) (2024-11-02)
- yeah I'll count this one just so this section don't become Bad Apple remixes. listen to CONTRATEMPO btw (2025-02-23)
- not posting my rym collection for this one because it sucks and because I take recs from this guy's tweets anyways
- What I said about Astrophysics on the main list applies here too.
footnote separator
- ↑ On a side note, if you check the number of circles on this wiki according to country, you can see that there are more music circles from Russia, South Korea and Indonesia than from UK or France. It's a strange difference, at least coming from my admittedly music nerd perspective, as I tend see people care more about West European underground music than Russian/South Korean/Indonesian underground music.
- ↑ It used to be a label for experimental in music in general, but in 2019 it rebranded to a weeb-adjacent breakcore label while also becoming much more active. It's worth noting, however, that the label was responsible for co-releasing this hardcore/industrial Evangelion tribute album back in 1997, so it wasn't as if they were anti-otaku and had a change of heart.
- ↑ Other people who have released on the label include bukabukabukai (punktohocore) and 808sndmindbreak (Touhou Speed Bootleg, touhou speed 2)
- ↑
I'm actually linking these music to satisfy my nostalgia for late 2010s uk bass. Yep, I'm so ahead of the retro game that I'm doing nostalgia for things that won't become retro until around 2038. - ↑ Which is to say, I am not ready for the day where Nocti makes a breakcore track and causes drama with genre oldheads because it isn't noisy enough to be period-accurate.
- ↑ Incidentally, Vocaloid gqom actually exists - でんの子P's song バイバイ、バベルの塔 is a high-profile example, being released on Virgin Babylon Records.
- ↑ more accurate, but also explaining this will be a pain
- ↑ Can't think of a good example of her music right now but just listen to The Magnificent Hits (2016) and her track for this Kapustin cover album and imagine the SNES/Kirby music playfulness of the former combined with the quirky sampling of the latter.
- ↑ Incidentally, let me know if you got any of their early albums that were taken down from Bandcamp that isn't Bramble or Cavalcade.
- ↑ and this applies to AI generated art too, as there's still someone choosing to press the generate button. It's just that it's usually behind facile reasons like "I need streams on Spotify for easy money" or "I need endless sad anime piano music for chilling and studying"
- ↑ but I have to emphasize the "a bit" part, if you as an artist share too much, you risk having people think that they truly know you, and that comes with a whole lot of parasocial issues
- ↑ It's a self-propagating issue too, as new Touhou music channels do the same thing because that's what other upload channels do, even though there are hundreds of Youtube channels that upload obscure full albums with the actual album cover. It also doesn't help that many channels just refer to whatever TLMC says, which itself is bad with crediting. TLMC's decision to credit vocalists instead of arrangers in songs has mislead a lot of people into thinking that the vocalists made the song, and led people in other databases in filing albums with multiple vocalists as V/A even when there's only one arranger. I and many other music editors on this wiki have gone through a lot of trouble hunting down old circle links to double check info from TLMC, and it's frustrating seeing the wrong info still popping up after all this.
- ↑ Though I should note it's a biased perception, because that's the only Chinese website I actively check out nowadays.
- ↑ behind the scenes note: I had to relisten to Meshuggah's early discography to write this bit because I found their music boring outside of a few releases. This will come up again when I write about Electric Red.
- ↑ More specifically, "modern metal", a genre coined by philsopher/music theorist GeN2Mo that I think really does shed light a distinct but not commonly known style of metal. This dig wouldn't have been as comprehensive if it weren't for his writing.
- ↑ Whose unique sense of atmosphere would later come to influence a diverse group of 2010s djent acts including Uneven Structure, David Maxim Micic and VOLA. Look, there aren't any Touhou metal that sounds like Devin so this is the most relevant place where I can infodump about this guy.
- ↑ Of course, there are always precursors to this sound. One of Sewerslvt's musical influences is the German artist Christoph de Babalon, whose 1997 album If You're Into It, I'm Out Of It was influential for its dark, atmospheric take on breakcore and jungle. I'd also like to point to the 2015 track ふと全て夢と知った by the Japanese artist LLLL as another precursor. Incidentally, the EP that track is from is actually one of my favorite EPs of all time, and it's actually released for free which you can get here.
- ↑ Oh and she also knows what Touhou is I guess? She said she liked to watch Touhou MMD versions of Tom & Jerry episodes once.
- ↑ Yeah there are quite a few crossovers between this and hexd. Now you know why I'm focusing on these two genres