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用户Wiki:Demobanker/My collection, favorites, etc.
it's only music stuff lol
Yeah most CDs here are from Chinese circles. Being diaspora has its benefits and I'm gonna use them to support this underappreciated scene.
I've also supported the following albums/EPs through Bandcamp:
There are a lot more in my collection from people who give away their music for free or name your price.
Favorites (albums/EPs)
I like a lot of stuff, but if I put every Touhou album or EP I like on here this will be a very long list, so here are the ones that I espeically love. Those are usually the ones that I keep coming back to, and in addition feel special in a way, or has some sentimental value to me. Everything on here, to me, is just as good as my favorite non-Touhou music. In terms of other fandom equivalents, think of SoGreatandPowerful or Vylet Pony's albums for brony music, or Cacola's "The Angel, The Demon," for Undertale fan music.
The choices here don't reflect my music taste in general. I love EDM, metal, and hip hop, but the parts of those genres that really appeal to me are pretty much ignored by the current scene.
Other circles that I like and are fairly consistent: Thousand Leaves, Undead Corporation, Clockworks Tracer, FELT, 発熱巫女~ず, ついったー東方部, Ghoulio, 群雨アンブレイラ, 少女理論観測所, BITPLANE, サリー
Here are some releases that used to be on the list, or could have been on there in a slightly different universe.
Favorite originals would be the Subterranean Animism OST, Ghostly Field Club and Neo-Traditionalism of Japan. The whole OST run from SA to LoLK is pretty good though, as is ZUN's music collection up until NToJ.