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日文名須佐 天逆每(すさ の あまのざこ)
英文名Susa no Amanozako
能力Drawing out vices
東方天逆襲 ~ Zenith of Antinomic Monarch.六面BOSS文档De-Facto Matriach of Antinomy and Arrogance
The Demiurge Overturning the Heavens ~ Crimson Tyrant
颠覆天堂的欲望~Crimson Tyrant



Nickname: Princess Amanozako
A mighty god of rebellion born from Susanoo's Ara-mitama. She's the ancestor of the tengu and amanojaku.

Not only is she capable of flying at high speeds, but she also possesses incredible strength, and her teeth are said to easily tear through blades.

Having been born from a temperamental storm god, she has a short fuse and a wild, unpredictable nature. Whenever something occurred that didn't suit her fancy, she became livid and went on a destructive rampage, tearing through her surroundings and hurling her fellow gods across a thousand ri. She also has a contrarian streak, taking pleasure in doing the opposite of what others expect.

Needless to say, the gods don't want anything to do with her.



What had initially caused her to show up in Gensokyo was a matter surrounding an artifact of hers. Her crown, a symbol of her status and power, had been lost down on earth.

It's unclear as to how it managed to get lost in the firth place (probably an accident or something),but she decided to take matters into her own hands and headed down from Takamagahara to look for it, alongside her son Amanosaku.

During her searching, she discovered something amazing: Hundreds of tengu, living deep within a certain mountain. Indeed, one of the species born of her very lineage.

Youkai such as them were thought to have faded away once the humans of the Outside World exchanged phantasm for science, and yet here they were, alive and well in this so-called "Land of Fantasy".
Amanozako was quick to act upon making this discovery.

With so many tengu gathered in one place, it made perfect sense for her, the tengu's ancestor, to claim that area for herself.


Naturally, the tengu themselves were opposed to such an unforeseen event, and thus attempted to drive her away, but the tenacious Amanozako made full use of her abilities and strength and overpowered just about everything they threw at her.
In the end, the long battle between youkai and god...ended in god victory.
To cement her status as ruler of Youkai Mountain, Amanozako had used her magical power to conjure a magnificent castle right in the heart of the Tengu District, known as the "Castle of Heavenly Wickedness". However, this victory on its own wasn't enough to satisfy her, so she decided to stir up trouble in the foothills as a means of entertaining herself.

The white arrows raining down on Gensokyo are a product of her ability to draw out vices. When it lands on a person's chest, the arrow is able to take the "inner darkness" residing in the hearts of all sentient beings and bring it to the surface, causing the affected individual to "distort" as they succumb to their own negative emotions and desires.

Using this ability ,she's able to cause clever people to become overly conceited, and foolish people to lose control of their tempers.


At some point, without fully realizing it herself, Amanozako had all but abandoned her initial goal of finding her crown again, in favor of further expanding her influence over Gensokyo. She became as insatiable as a child in a confectionery shop, and with seemingly nobody left to oppose her, it wouldn't be long before she started having thoughts about bringing the entirety of Gensokyo under her rule.
However, a bird can only fly as high as the sky where the warm sun dwells.
In all her hubris, she never even imagined that her fellow Amatsukami would come up with a plan to ambush her at the last minute. Talk about a reversed Wheel of Fortune...


