基本信息 | |
人物名 | 山羽音音 |
日文名 | 山羽 音々(やまば ネネ) |
英文名 | Nene Yamaba |
种族 | 山啸1 |
能力 | Amplifying sounds 放大声音程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方天逆襲 ~ Zenith of Antinomic Monarch. | 一面BOSS | 文档 | Strange Bird Whose Voice Shakes Heaven and Earth 声震天地的怪鸟 天地を揺るがす声の怪鳥 | Mountain Shouter ~ Celestial Monster 㠓天啸徒~Celestial Monster2 マウンテンシャウター 〜 Celestial Monster |
EX面中BOSS | 文档 | Strange Bird Whose Voice Entices into Wonderland 声诱奇境的怪鸟 不思議の国へ誘う声の怪鳥 | - |
A noise-loving bird youkai living on Youkai Mountain. Nicknamed "lion birds" by the Gensokyo locals, the yama-orabi have a love for shouting, and are adept at mimicking any sound they've recently heard. If you've ever heard a disembodied voice shouting "Yai-yai" while trekking through the mountains, that's likely the work of a yama-orabi. Despite sharing some traits with the yamabiko, the yama-orabi are in fact a separate species of youkai. | 她是生活在妖怪之山的一只爱好吵闹的鸟妖怪。 这些喜欢大声嚷嚷的鸟妖怪——“山啸”们,在幻想乡通常被称为“狮子鸟”,他们会模仿他们不久前听到的一些声音。如果你在山里散步时听到不知从哪里来的“呀诶…呀诶”声3,很有可能是他们在作怪。 虽然和山彦们有一些相似之处,但是山啸实际上是一种和他们不同的妖怪。 |
She is able to pick up even the faintest of noises and reverberate the sounds far and wide, channeling this ability through a megaphone-esque device chained to her neck. (Through, most of the time, she doesn't use this ability for anything except amplifying her own voice.) This ability of hers also has offensive capabilities, including amplifying her voice loud enough to send devastating shock waves towards those who threaten her. She may seem like a wild child, but she's actually a good girl at heart. | 她也能够通过拴在她脖子上的链条另一端的那个喇叭一样的装置增强一些模糊的声音,使它们深远地回荡。(不过大多数时间她不会使用这个能力,除了放大她自己的声音时。) 她的能力有带攻击性的力量,包括对着敌人放大她的声音变成破坏性极大的震动波。 她也许看着像是一个野孩子,不过她事实上真的是个好女孩。 |
At one point, while flying around at the foot of Youkai Mountain, a mysterious white arrow struck her heart.Fortunately(?),the most it did was amplify her fighting spirit, but unfortunately for her, she inadvertently ended up picking a fight with a rather strong opponent, and was thereby punished. She's behaving herself once again by now. | 这一天,她在妖怪之山四处飞行的时候,被一支神秘的白色箭矢击中了。这个东西点燃了她的好战之心,让她不经意间招惹上了强大的对手,因此被她们惩罚了一顿。 如今又再度变得温顺了。 |
The mountain-dwelling lion bird has shown up once again. Apparently, she's been collaborating with another resident of Youkai Mountain recently. Normally, Nene would be off making noise by herself ,but it would seem that she was approached by the Phantom King living on Youkai Mountain, who wished to make use of Nene's noise-amplification abilities for her own purposes. Being the sound junkie that she is, Nene immediately accepted the proposal. | 住在山里的狮子鸟又出现了。她最近看起来在和妖怪山上的另一个居民合作。 通常来看,音音不会自己制造噪音。但似乎妖怪之山的“怪王”找到了她,希望运用音音噪声放大的能力达成她的目的。出于怪王对声音的着迷,作为音乐发烧友的音音很快就接受了她的邀请。 |
In accordance to the Phantom King's request, she's been amplifying the sounds of the tsukumogami festival that had been set up,channeling the noise across great distances with her megaphone. At same time, she's been acting as a guide for the party-goers and leading them towards the party's central point on Youkai Mountain. During this time, a group of party-crashers came along and shot her down. Yai yai, how cruel... | 根据“怪王”的要求,她在“百器夜行祭”开始之后使用了放大声音的能力,用喇叭把嘈杂的声音传播到远方。同时,她作为一个向导负责把来者领到妖怪之山上的宴会中心。 就在这个时候,一群不速之客赶来把她揍了一顿。 呀诶…呀诶。真残忍啊。 |