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日文名八重垣 奇稲田(やえがき くしなだ)
英文名Kushinada Yaegaki
能力Governing rice harvests.
東方天逆襲 ~ Zenith of Antinomic Monarch.四面BOSS文档The Comb Shimmering Beneath the Harvest Moon
Bounty of the Rising Moon ~ Yaegaki Tempest
丰收之月升~Yaegaki Tempest



A divine spirit who brings prosperity to rice paddies across Japan.

Her authority may seem trivial on its surface, but rice is considered a staple food in certain parts of the Outside World. and it's an essential ingredient in various Japanese dishes, such as sake, katsudon, sushi, mochi, etc. Being a goddess whose duty is to provide blessings to rice paddies and assure their flourishment, she's managed to amass quite a bit of faith from rice farmers.

She's known by a number of monikers, one of them being "Princess Inada".


Back when she was human, she lived together with her parents and seven older sisters, but at some point, an eight-headed serpent came along and devoured her sisters one by one. Eventually, she was the only one left, but she was saved by a certain storm god who'd been banished from Takamagahara for his misbehavior.

She and the storm god had fallen in love with one another, and they eventually married.
For a long time, Kushinada, her husband Susanoo, and her surviving family had all lived in relative peace alongside the other Amatsukami, but eventually, an unfortunate incident occurred.
Susanoo, in an effort to prevent any further trouble between him and his fellow Myriad Gods, had secretly undergone a ritual to seal away the tempestuous half of his being---his Ara-Mitama.

But of course, like with the satori who shut her mind-reading third eye to keep people from hating her, sealing off a core part of oneself for the sake of pleasing others aways comes at a price.
In Susanoo's case, the Ara-Mitama gradually built up inside him, and without a vent to dissipate those aggressive emotions, something wicked would eventually come to form within his body.
In the end, the seal broke, and the storm god had expelled an ink-black substance from his mouth, which then took on the form of a terrifying and powerful demon goddess.

The demon had gone on a rampage soon after her birth, wreaking havoc across Takamagahara. Worse yet, her power was so immense that the Myriad Gods could barely contain her. After a series of failed counterattacks, the gods eventually managed to calm her down by (unofficially) giving her a spot amongst the Amatsukami.

他们很快坠入爱河,最后他们结婚了。在很长的时间里奇稻田和她的丈夫素盏鸣尊以及她幸存的家人们和别的天津神一起相对和平地生活,直到一场意外的发生—— 素盏鸣尊为了防止他和其他八百万神发生任何进一步的冲突,秘密举行了一场仪式封印了他狂暴的一面,他的“荒魂”。


The goddess normally chose to stay firmly in Takamagahara, but one day, for a particular reason, she had made the decision to cross the Heavenly Floating Bridge and descend to the lower realm.

Kushinada and the others weren't aware of it initially, but after one of the Myriad Gods stationed on earth had reported the goddess's current whereabouts, Kushinada and her husband had decided to gather a group of some of the more powerful kami(along with several deities borrowed from other pantheons as reinforcement)and plan yet another counterattack.

Learning from their previous quarrels, the godly army had decided not to immediately go on the offensive, but rather wait for an opportune moment, then take out the goddess with a swift and mighty surprise attack.


As Kushinada sat outside of the Castle of Heavenly Wickedness, waiting for a chance to call down her fellow gods, a hasty individual came alone, having forced her way through the line of defense that she'd established.

She figured that this was probably outrageous on some level, but after being defeated, Kushinada decided to take advantage of this girls strength, as well as her insistence on fighting the castle's lady, and use her as a stool pigeon.

...Come to think of it, her husband used a similar approach on that serpent from long ago, didn't he?


