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幻想梦斗符——第四章 妖之跋扈/攻略
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- 本页面为幻想梦斗符TCG系列的决斗规则书。
一.幻想梦斗符是什么? What is“Dream Battle of SpellCard”
《幻想梦斗符》是由“丝风”自主创作的以东方Project为题材的同人TCG卡牌游戏企划,它独创性地抛开了召唤怪兽的玩法,开辟了“集换式符卡决斗游戏”的先河。 在本作中,您可以选择一位或多位广受欢迎的东方角色,通过搭配组合她们所对应的独特符卡、技能,动用操作技巧与战术布局击破对手,或以华丽的命中动作的积累取得人气胜利。 | “Dream Batlle of Spellcard”(Hereinafter referred to as DBS)is a doujin TCG of Touhou Project that created by Zephyr. In DBS,you can choose one or even more characters from Touhou Project,then straight defeat your opponents by matching up the characters’ own unique Spellcards and skills.In addition,you can also defeat opponents by accumulating the scores of Spellcards. |
二.胜利条件 The Victory Conditions
A.特殊胜利:由卡面效果或其他效果导致的特殊胜利方式。 B.击坠胜利:其中一方玩家体力值低于0,另一方玩家获胜。(体力为0时视为决死,不视为被击坠) C.人气胜利:当其中一方玩家须执行一次准备阶段的抽卡时无牌可摸。此时计算双方宣言区符卡的总华丽度,总华丽度高的玩家获胜。(抽多张卡时卡组数量不够但仍抽取了一张以上的牌时不视为无牌可摸) 一旦满足以上其中一项胜利条件,立即停止所有结算,开始胜负判定。 同一时点的游戏胜利结算优先度:A>B>C | A.Specially triumph:The Victory that is caused by special effects B.Knock Out:When the LP of one side is lower than 0,the other side wins the game.If the LP is just 0,this situation won’t be considered as K.O. C.Smack Down:If one side needs to draw cards from deck,at the same time the deck is empty,both of the players need to calculate the total Level of Spellcards.The final winner is the player who has the higher total Level of Spellcards. Once any of victory conditions is attained,all the settlement will be shutdown,then the decision of victory starts at once.Priority:A>B>C |
三.卡组准备 Preparation of game
1.双方玩家须各自准备好数量为40-50张卡的梦斗符卡组一套,不可少于40或多于50. 2.在卡组中,任何同编号的卡片只可存在最多3张,并且这套卡组中必须存在至少1张角色卡。 | ①Both of players need to prepare own decks(Including 40-50 cards) ②In the deck,the amount of the cards with same number must be less than 3(3 is the upper ceiling).And this deck must contain at least 1 character. |
四.游戏开局 Opening.
1.场地设置:将双方体力调整为10000,五张灵力背面朝上竖置于灵力区,双方玩家须将卡组中的一张角色卡横置于己方角色区内。 2.初始配牌:双方互相洗切对方的卡组后,各自从卡组顶抽4张卡作为初始手牌。 3.初始检索:双方分别检视各自卡组,同时展示其中任意一张卡片并加入手牌,然后洗切各自卡组。 此后协商决定先攻方,决定后游戏从先攻玩家的进攻回合开始。 | ①.intial set:Both of the players need to adjust the LP to 10000 at first.Both of the players have 5 full beads(face-down,).Both of the players can choose a character from own decks,then put her(tapped) into character area. ②:intial hand:After shuffling decks each other,draw 4 cards from your own deck as the intial hand. ③:intial retrieval:Before initiating,both of the players can inspect their own decks,and add a card from decks into hand,then shuffle the decks. . |
五.卡牌种类/信息解释/场地布置 The properties of cards
战斗符卡:标有战力和华丽度的卡片,在战斗阶段宣言。 状态符卡:能够带来持续效果的卡片,卡面上会标明发动的时点。 陷阱符卡:必须要暗置于装备区后才可以发动的卡片,卡面上会标明发动的时点。 瞬时道具卡:标有“瞬”的道具卡,满足条件直接从手牌发动。 永续道具卡:标有“延”的道具卡,需要在你的攻击阶段消耗灵力设置于装备区,在场上能持续发动效果的道具。 你的符力区、装备区、角色区以及宣言区这四个区域统称为场上。 战斗符卡、状态符卡、陷阱符卡、道具卡统称为符卡。(角色卡不为符卡) | Battle Spellcards:The cards that have attack points and gorgeous degrees,and usually be declared in Battle Phases. Buff:The cards that give different influences,including Buff and Debuff.The occasions of declaring will be labelled in the descriptions. Trap:The cards that must be set in Item Area,Occasions of declaring also will be labelled in the descriptions. Instant:The item cards with “Instant” label.It could be declared from hands when the conditions are attained. Constant:The item cards with “Constant” label.It should be set in your Item Area before your Battle Stage starts,They can keep taking affect until they are replaced or destroyed. Battleground including “Item Area”,”Extra SP Area”,””Character Area”and”Spell Chain”. Spellcards including ”Battle Spellcards”,”Buff”,”Trap”,“Instant” and ”Constant”. |
六.回合流程与阶段说明 Explanation of the Procedure and Phases
1. 回合开始阶段(PICK) 回合开始阶段,进攻方玩家须抽卡,抽卡数量与其“已耗损的完好的灵力珠”数量相等(例:耗损2灵,抽2张卡;耗损3灵,抽3张卡),且至少抽1张卡。随后攻守双方依次回复1点灵力。先攻玩家的第一个回合跳过抽卡。 2. 切换阶段(CHANGE) 进攻方玩家可选择执行以下行动中的一种,一个回合只能执行一种。 a 将手牌一张角色卡横置入角色区,角色区横置的角色视为SUPPORT状态,你可以使用处于SUPPORT状态的角色的符卡。 b 将角色区一张横置的角色卡竖置,并将之前竖置的角色卡横置。竖置的角色视为CENTER状态,处于CENTER状态的角色,可以使用该角色的CENTER技能和该角色的符卡。 c 将角色区一张竖置的角色卡置入决斗区,此时该角色视为HYPER状态,处于HYPER状态的角色,可以同时使用该角色的CENTER与HYPER技能和该角色的符卡,并也视为处于CENTER状态。若如此做,在你的下一个防御阶段结束时,你须将决斗区的角色卡返回你的手牌。 同一玩家至多存在一个CENTER状态或HYPER状态角色。 存在于己方角色区的角色即视为参战。 3. 放置阶段(SET) 进攻方可以在放置阶段将任意数量的手牌暗置入符力区或将手牌中的任意数量的陷阱符卡暗置于装备区。装备区上限为2,符力区上限为5。 玩家在游戏过程中,可弃置符力区卡片视作消耗等量的灵力;装备区已存在的卡片可以在放置阶段被替代(被替代的卡片进入弃牌堆),符力区则不可。 至此为止的所有阶段都视为准备阶段。 4. 战斗阶段(BATTLE) 此阶段对于进攻方角色来说等同于“攻击阶段”,对于防御方角色来说等同于“防御阶段”。 进攻方可以不限次数宣言手牌中的战斗符卡和设置永续道具。 在确认满足符卡的发动条件后,玩家支付其卡面标注的所需灵力数,将其打出竖置于决斗区。 在进攻方宣言战斗符卡后,防御方可在此时选择是否也宣言一张战斗符卡来“相杀”。同样地,在确认满足符卡的发动条件后,防御方玩家支付其卡面标注的所需灵力数,将其打出横置于决斗区。 防御方宣言完成后,双方进行战斗结算: 进攻方符卡战力大于防御方符卡时,对防御方造成等同于双方符卡战力差的伤害,伤害发生后,判定该符卡命中:命中后的战斗符卡将会进入所属玩家的宣言区顶部。 在以上结算后,进攻方可以继续进行下一轮的进攻,或声明结束该进攻阶段。 战斗阶段,宣言符卡没有次数限制。 符卡的发动条件包括:符卡所属角色参战;满足该符卡描述中白底标注的“需要”;可用灵力值大于等于宣言符卡所需灵力;该符卡华丽度大于或等于进攻方当前宣言区顶部华丽度。 5. 回合结束阶段(END) 进攻方声明回合结束后,检视其手牌数量是否超过5张,如超过则需要弃置至5张。 之后,双方攻守交换,循环此过程直至分出胜负。 | ①:Pick Phase: It the first Phase of whole Procedure.In the beginning of this phase,Offense needs to pick cards from own deck.The number of picking equates to the number of “Empty(Used)and intact” SP beads,and at least pick one card once.And then,both of the players can recover a point of SP bead. For example,if I have 2 empty intact SP beads,I can pick 2 cards from my deck in the initiating of this phase. P.S:The first Pick Phase of the player who operates firstly will be passed. ②:Change Phase: In this Phase,the attack side can choose one of the actions to operate. A:Put a character(tapped) into character area,then you can declare her Spellcards and use Support Skill. B:Change a tapped character into upright(In this situation she is considered as Center status),and then you can declare her Center-Limitted Spellcards and use Center Skill. C:Put a character who is in Center status into Duel Zone(In this situation she is considered as Hyper status),and then you can declare her Hyper-Limitted Spellcards and use Hyper Skill(Support and Center Skills are also available).. In addition,you can only choose one action and operate once in a whole turn.At the same time,there could only be one character in Center or Hyper status in your Battleground. Once characters are set in your Character Area or Duel Zone,you can declare their Spellcards.If not,you can’t do so. ③:Set Phase: In this phase,the attack side can set traps into Item Area,and set cards into Extra SP from hands. The ceiling of Item Area is 2,the ceiling of Extra SP is 5. Players can discard the cards in Extra SP to pay the SP consumptions for declaring Spellcards,the discarded cards shall be placed in the grave;Players can replace the items in the item’s area with new items,the replaced cards shall be placed in the grave as well. So far,all the phases are considered as “Preparing phases” ④:Battle Phase For the player in the attacking side, this phase is considered as "attack stage" Meanwhile,it’s equivalent to the player in defending side as "defensive phase". For the player in the attacking side,he can declare Spellcards or set Constants from Hands without limit of times.1 Once attacking player afford the expense of Spellcard he declared and put it into Dual Zone,the defending player can choose counter-attack or not.If defending player decide to counter-attack,he needs to declare a Spellcard(also needs to meet the conditions,except the limit of Level 2),and put it into Dual Zone.After that,the dual begins resolving: If the final attack points of attacking player’s Spellcard is higher than defending player’s,it will give opponent HP damages,which is equal to the difference(attack point) between two cards.And,the attacking Spellcard should be placed into the top of own Spell Chain,considered as “score a hit” as well.The defending player’s Spellcard should be placed into grave after that. If the final attack point of attacking player’s Spellcard is less or equal to the defending player’s,both of the Spellcards should be placed into grave. If the defending player don’t want to counter-attack it,he can launch the defending traps or use some instant items before getting damages. So far,if conditions permitted,attacking player can repeat the same attacking actions without limits of times until he states that he ends his turn. ⑤.End Phase After attacking player states that he ends his turn,the number of cards in his Hands should be less or equal to 5.If exceeds,player needs to discard the redundance until the number of Hands is 5. After that,players shall switch their sides,and then cycle the whole procedure until one of the players is defeated. Once you do the actions above,you are considered that have ended the last phase.The order of phases is irreversible. All the statements are universal in general,some special cards’ effects may change specific description of these. |
- ↑ Only meet the conditions of the Spellcard can you declare the Spellcards.The conditions including:The character who the card belongs is in your character area;you can afford the special requirements of the SpellCards(It would be printed in the cards);your available SP can afford the expense of Spellcards;The Level of the Spellcard you declare is lower than or equal to the card in the top of Spell Chain.
- ↑ In other words,you can ignore the Level limits of Spellcard when you declare a Spellcard for counter-attacking.But you still need to pay the expense and meet other conditions.