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Sounds of the Blood
都会派マスタースパーク [04:23]
Sounds of the Blood (2011-05-08)
Titolo Originale:恋色マジック
Altre Versioni (clicca per mostrare/nascondere)
都会派マスタースパーク(Japanese ver.)
東方雪風流布 (2011-10-16)
star river e.p.
都会派マスタースパーク remastering ver
star river e.p. (2018-05-06)
  • Lingua del Testo:日文,英文

What shall I talk about?
Well,I would adore a good cup of tea
Can you seek everything?
We have only one life to live
If you can live long and feel easy, the world is transience
Who knows what tomorrow will bring, you know?
In starry night, you can find the shooting star ending life
The words I bring out will not have living in the future
What can I do and leave to here by my dying day
With gratifying my own desires
Do you say "You're funny" ?
I only follow my curiosity
It excite and convert my dull days
Why don't you go with me to leave here
I try again for being without bonds
Expoundly,cosignly to force me to live meekly is in vain
If I gotta be living with few thousands of empty times
Forever,I opt to dream a dream
Even if the world refuse me
I will alchemize it by God but I'm atheist
My starry and fancy spells carve out my future
Who can stop my flying the sky?
What shall I talk about?
Well,I would adore a good cup of tea
Can you seek everything?
We have only one life to live
If you can live long and feel easy, the world is transience
Who knows what tomorrow will bring, you know?
Somebody said there is not spring without be endless bloom
And another said the night without dawn has not come anywhere
But I doubt it,in fact,the Gensoukyo has not applied in those
So, we can do anything,you know?
At first,within days, I,ll complete my spells to you
Secondly,certainly,I will be back here to meet only you
Believe me consciously tonight
With turning out anxiety you will feel
So,please forgive me not for being by you
Whenever I spell it,I recall you
Even if the world refuse me
I will alchemize it by God but I'm atheist
My starry and fancy spells carve out my future
Who can stop my flying the sky?
I do not surprise
I use to subscribe
I can't steal the pride
I can't fly the sky
I can't fly That's glide
I cast only you
I don't tell you a lie
So,I am a humankind

人は花の散りゆく姿に いずれ果てる命の在処を
黄昏時 灯りゆく夜空に一筋の流れ星
もしこの世が終わりなく 全てに等しく時の灯を消すのなら
枯れぬ花に満ちた世界で 一人醒めぬ夢を見ていよう
気付かぬ振りして 気付く
見上げた空には 光輝く星の欠片と
砕け散った夢の跡 いつか拾い集めて
撃ち放とう全て 忘れられない程の魔法で
その日まで借りていくぜ これからもずっと
人は花の散りゆく姿に いずれ果てる命の在処を
黄昏の日 乾かぬ雨なら 惑う手に差す傘を
叶えようその目に映る全て 掲げようこの目に映る全て
今そして願う この星降る夜空に 瞬きも忘れて
お前には偽りたくない 変わらず
繰り返す日々に 終わる事なき夢の影だけ残す
時の彼方まで いつかたどり着くまで
紡ぐこの呪文 思い出せない程の言葉で
その日まで預けとくぜ これからもずっと
ああ 一つだけ お前にだけ
いつか終わる その時まで
伝えよう ありのままを 心全て

