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歌词:Alice In The Mirror

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In Your Heart EP
Alice In The Mirror [03:46]
In Your Heart EP (2020-01-03)
Titolo Originale:怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square
  • Lingua del Testo:英文

If you thought of ending it all today,
this is a sign to tell you
to keep on living
Stay alive, i know you don’t feel like anybody cares,
but let me tell you, i do,
and i’m so so proud of you for still being here
I see that you’re struggling,
i’m aware of how painful it is,
to take one breath after the other,
being alive can be so damn hard, i know
But there’s more to life than this suffering,
there are good things in this world,
and it’s worth staying alive for
Alice In The Mirror
Alice In The Mirror
If you thought of ending it all today,
this is a sign to tell you
to keep on living
Stay alive, i know you don’t feel like anybody cares,
but let me tell you, i do,
and i’m so so proud of you for still being here
I see that you’re struggling,
i’m aware of how painful it is,
to take one breath after the other,
being alive can be so damn hard, i know