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BEHIND ME [04:01]
東方幻奏響UROBOROS業 ~eNDoFtHEuLTIMATEoVERdRIVE~ (2015-12-30)
Titolo Originale:古の冥界寺
  • Lingua del Testo:英文

"It's just only reason, why?"
You take me that "missreading" once more
What's the meaning season light
I've held me tight
And your eyes blind, hide
Passing me, and leaving me
just keep in memory
I'm falling the sky
just the cradle without freedom
and finding reason
Whenever I gone
my wishing for long time
So searching for the sky
Oh, I've seen one before
may be this sight, just nightmare seeing
all of dreams forgot
but remending me
so meaningless feeling
Everything will hope to die
but wishing never gone
I'm falling the sky
just the cradle without freedom
and finding reason
Whenever I gone
my wishing for long time
So searching for the sky
Spread your wings for the sky, behind me
If you be in land, I always fly to the high
If you making cry
on you face, and keeping down
together with you
Whenever you want
I'm taking you for freedom
So story will be told
I'm rotting your sly
just a crawling in your feeling
Remind me once again
Whenever I want
my wishing for long time
So story will be told