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歌词:Blast Reflection

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Blast Reflection [04:28]
WORDS LEFT UNTOLD (2015-12-30)
Circolo:Kissing the Mirror
Titolo Originale:彼岸帰航 ~ Riverside View
  • Lingua del Testo:英文

Look into the mirror and see the other world
Crawl We crawled through Thousand Knives
Haunt Death has never haunted us
See So you can see us standing here
Sight Sight of devastated
Building that are beyond the ocean
To Live To Die we stand hear Let's roar
Raise your fists
This is not the funeral for the dead
Sing your life
Anthem for all of you
March Don't stop to look your back
Guide That will never guide us
Anthem is what we hear when death comes to get our soul
Sight Sight of devastated
Building that are beyond the ocean
To Live To Die we stand hear Let's roar
Raise your fists
This is not the funeral for the dead
Sing your life
Anthem for all of you
Feel the Blast Reflection
Echoes of our first breath
As one we are gathering blasts
This is the cycle of reincarnation
As one we are gathering blasts
This is the cycle of reincarnation
Call us
then you can find a better end
in this world where only lie reigns
Bite their neck
Show your reckless attitude
Fear is no longer a pain
Crawl We crawled through Thousand Knives
Haunt Death has never haunted us
See So you can see us standing here
Sight Sight of devastated
Building that are beyond the ocean
To Live To Die we stand hear
Feel the Blast Reflection
Echoes of our first breath
This is the obsession that we have no salvation
Everything will be the Blast Reflection