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歌词:Guardian Goddess

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Quaky Divines
Guardian Goddess [04:53]
Quaky Divines (2012-10-07)
Titolo Originale:厄神様の通り道 ~ Dark Road運命のダークサイド
  • Lingua del Testo:英文

You don't need to be afraid something bad and scary
throw them into that river like this
You don't need to be afraid
wave your hand with no words
I'll bring them away, everything that frightens you
wishing you to be good child,
your life to be beautiful for you
No worries, no hesitations
you're guarded and blessed by little goddess
wishing your life to be beautiful for you
Roads may be hard to go sometimes
wishing your life to be beautiful for you
No worries, no hesitations
you're guarded and blessed by little goddess
When you find someone to love, though it may not be soon
so as to tell them just how you were
I want you to be loved enough, it's the only wish of mine
I want your life to be beautiful for you
wave your hand with no words
I'll bring them away, everything that frightens you
No worries, no hesitations
you're guarded and blessed by little goddess
wishing your life to be beautiful for you
Roads may be hard to go sometimes
wishing your life to be beautiful for you
No worries, no hesitations
you're guarded and blessed by little goddess
When you greet someone to name,
to devote all yourselves to
remember, blessing you from the far side of that river
wishing your life to be beautiful for you
Roads may be hard to go sometimes
wishing your life to be beautiful for you
No worries, no hesitations
you're guarded and blessed by little goddess