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歌词:Stardust(Last Dream)

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This page refers to: 歌词:Stardust(Last Dream). For other uses, see 歌词:Stardust(Disambig).

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Stardust(Last Dream)
Stardust [04:02]
Stardust (2015-08-14)
Circolo:Last Dream
Titolo Originale:衛星カフェテラス
  • Lingua del Testo:英文,德文

I wished for a star that could show us our future
One that kept our promise known until the end
but now it withered like a flower
This day I will take our train again
How is the world seen from above the sky?
How is the world seen from the other side?
Taking these stairs, you're just a step away
but you're not here again today
Komm, ich reich dir meine Hand, los,
nimm den Pfad ohne Wiederkehr
Der Sternenstaub aus dieser Welt,
er gibt mir Alles, was ich begehr
Sag, was soll ich tun?
Ich suche immer noch nach dir!
The Stardust of the Sky is what reflects all my tears
Dreams can see my heart's solitude
And no book of this world can show me where you have gone
Hear my whisper crying out your name
I'm searching for a hint that shows me the way back to you
I'm searching, I'm wishing
Did you forget our promise?
And as the clock strikes another day had just passed...
And as I thought that all my hope had left
stories appeared that showed forsaken paths
All of the shadows that had raised your fear
It seems that I can see them here
Bitte, reich mir deine Hand
Ich will doch nur noch zurück zu dir
Der Staub zerfällt und auch die Sterne,
ihr Leuchten zerbricht diese Welt
Ich hör deinen Ruf, die letzte Spur führt doch zu dir!
Ich greif nach deiner Hand, doch du verweigerst sie mir
"Run while you still can, there's no help."
The last book of this world just crumbles inside your hands
Hear my whisper crying out your name
I'm searching for a way to get your old self back to you
I'm searching, I'm wishing
Did you forget our promise?
And as the clock strikes our final day had just passed