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This page refers to: 歌词:daydreaming(ORANGE★JAM). For other uses, see 歌词:daydreaming(Disambig).

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daydreaming [03:47]
daydreaming (2016-08-13)
Arrangiamento:Denis Siks
Titolo Originale:永遠の巫女
  • Lingua del Testo:英文

When, when I realize this entire time that
I've been wandering through daily life.
Put the brakes on is what I'll think, but I never try to
Look on up, up across the way, from the outside.
Been dreaming away all of my days
Time seems to to pass. Never the same.
What does it mean when suddenly
I've found myself drifting away
It keeps going on further. No way, can I stop?
Lost in the clouds, I can't keep myself anchored away,
When will I finally wake?
Pressure builds on to great heights.
When can I stand alone, on my own,
See things eyes to eyes?
When will I break away
From this mundane, routine life?
When can I start to change who I am
Without telling lies?
Dream. All of my days
Time seems to to pass. Never the same.
What does it mean when suddenly
I've found myself drifting away
It keeps going on further. No way, can I stop?
Lost in the clouds, I can't keep myself anchored away,