基本信息 | |
人物名 | 八衢明伎1 |
日文名 | 八衢 明伎(やちまた の あきわざ) |
英文名 | Yachimata no Akiwaza |
种族 | 神明(岐神)2 |
能力 | Able to connect any two points 连接任意两点程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism. | CF面BOSS | 游戏 | Line Drawn Between Heaven and Earth 天と地の間に引いた線 连缀天地之线 | Her Millennium Candy 她的千岁饴3 |
A goddess who sprang from Izanagi himself. | 一位由伊邪那岐所化生的女神。 |
Yet another god whose raison d'etre is defending the roads of humans. Actually, as a goddess of roads, she's somewhat familiar with a certain someone. | 另一位为了守护人间道路而存在的神明。 身为道路之神的她,和某位神明4倒也还算熟识。 |
She's an easygoing but compulsive sort of person who sometimes speaks in a very business-like tone. For a god, she has a very earthly sense of compassion, but as a result is often rather stubborn towards her coworkers. She's easily won over by things she considers beautiful, and just the tiniest bit intrusive. | 她个性随和,但也常常忘乎所以。有时会用着公事公办的语气说话。 虽然身为神明,但她富有凡俗的同情心,不过也因正此,她对同僚的神明却要顽固许多。 她很容易被她认为美丽的事物所打动,并且有那么一点点烦人。 |
Despite being an outsider, she's very much like the people of Gensokyo. Being a (mostly) responsible sort of person, some other gods have put her in charge of an innumerable fleet of rather unimportant deities. She's used both of these things to inadvertently cause another incident on her god-given "errand run". | 尽管身为外来者,她与幻想乡的居民们却十分相像。 作为一位(总体上)很有责任心的神明,她被其它神明委托以了管理无数琐碎神灵的工作。 正因为这两点,她在执行她的“例行差事”的途中无意地引发了另一场异变。 |
Like Nusakoro, she's actually quite old. She was born an earthly god, left abandoned by Izanagi as he made his way back to the heavens from Yomi. However, when imperial gods returned to make their conquest of the land with the humans that worshipped them, she kept her same few jobs. Thus, she's still maintained a decently high status through the years. | 与币顷一样,她实际上是十分古老的神明。 她是伊邪那岐从黄泉回到高天原的途中,被抛弃在尘世的国津神。 然而,当大和诸神与他们的信徒们征服这一片土地的时候,她却保有了她原有的神职。 因此,她在那之后的很长一段时间里依然保有着很高的地位。 |
This was accomplished by "connecting" her heart to those of other gods. Really, it was a skillful maneuver. | 这一切,都是她通过将她与其它神明的内心进行“连接”实现的。 说真的,这的确是一个巧妙的策略。 |
But she felt obligated to do more. So, she guided the hearts of humans from point A to point B. | 但是,她认为她该做的不止于此。 于是,她便将人类的心灵从一处引导向另一处。 |
It was already the nature of crossroad gods to be kind. Reuniting long separated families, carving a safe path for those searching for disappeared friends, drawing a line back home. But even that can change. | 岐神本就是对人和善的存在。她们能够让分离许久的家庭团圆,为寻找消失的朋友的人们 开辟安全的通路,指引离家的人回返家中。但是,世事总有变迁。 |
With things like the "Social Network" in the modern age, it seems as if people don't need a god as much as they do a "Smartphone" or "GPS". | 在现代,随着“社交网络”此类事物的诞生,似乎比起这么一位神明,人类更加需要的是“智能手机”和“GPS”了。 |
But there were still some things even human technology could not remedy. | 但是,仍然有一些事情,是人类的技术无法解决的。 |
Some time before the incident, she rushed through Hell in the midst of its ongoing conflicts and changes. Somewhere, deep, deep within it, she encountered divine spirits, longing to return something to someone they claimed to love... | 在这次异变发生前不久,她正穿过地狱中那场冲突与变革的中心。 在那深处的某个地方,她遇见了一群神灵,渴望把某物交还给它们口中的所爱之人… |
They themselves were sealed into hells depths, for whatever reason. She wasn’t. Longing for usefulness, she sought to resolve their plight. | 不知缘何,它们被封印在地狱的深处,而她,来去自由。 抱着希望帮上忙的心态,她决定寻找方法,为它们排忧解难。 |
Her resulting interactions with Ummu (which she has managed to keep confidential) put the world of the gods into a state of panic. Even so, she's tried to clean up her mess. It's not in her nature to simply let others toil. | 因而,她与祐毋进行了交流。而这次秘密交流的结果,是让诸神的世界陷入了恐慌。 不过,她还是尝试解决她自己惹出的乱子。将苦劳推给别人,并非她所为之事。 |
Ever clever but cunning, she was the one who proposed to unseal Nusakoro. She was bound to have sympathy for another communicator. Though, as the one who suggested it, she's been put in charge of her for the time being. So, then, she was in charge of the hunt for her when it became evident that Nusakoro had failed. It was only a half-hearted search. It's good to make friends, after all. | 向来聪明又狡猾的她,给出了解开币顷的封印的提案。显然,她对另一位司掌交流的神明心怀同情。 但是,作为计划的提出者,她也被委任在此期间对币顷进行监管。 因此,当币顷的交涉显然已经失败,也是她来主持对币顷的追捕。 不过她并没有全力为之。毕竟,交个朋友总不是坏事。 |
She also managed to charm the hearts of the Human Village, setting up a danmaku festival under the guise of doing something to lure Nusakoro out. Really, it was just another way for Akiwaza to connect the hearts of humans once more. | 她以“诱使币顷出现”为借口,在人类村落中举办了一场弹幕祭典以吸引人们的注意。 实际上,这不过只是明伎让人类的内心再次相连的另一种方式罢了。 |
She'll probably bum around Gensokyo. She’s done so before, so it’s nothing new, really. She's learned that she doesn't need to do anything too formal to see danmaku. | 在这之后,她大概会接着在幻想乡中漫游,一如她此前所为。 她已经明白了,要在幻想乡中看到美妙的弹幕,完全不需要她做出什么特别的事情。 |
For whatever reason, she considers it to be "the purest display of connection between two people." | 不知为何,她认为弹幕是“二人之间羁绊最为纯粹的显现”。 |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
新缘「不期而会」 | New Connection「Chance Encounter」 | Carrefour |
依缘「齐美尔联结」5 | Dependent Connection「Simmelian Tie」 | Carrefour |
薄缘「朋友的朋友」6 | Faint Connection「Friend of a Friend」 | Carrefour |
海外缘「碧眼的外国人偶」7 | Sea-crossed Connection「Foreign Blue-eyed Dolls」 | Carrefour |
善缘「善知识」8 | Virtuous Connection「Kalyana-mittata」 | Carrefour |
群缘「集体意识」 | Group Connection「Collective Consciousness」 | Carrefour |
禁缘「避讳」910 | Forbidden Connection「Naming Taboo」 | Carrefour |
恒缘「死亡之舞」11 | Inevitable Connection「Danse Macabre」 | Carrefour |
失缘「魅影灵魂伴侣」12 | Lost Connection「Phantom Soulmate」 | Carrefour |
「道飨祭」13 | 「Festival of the Roads」 | Carrefour |
弹缘「命运的红绳」 | Danmaku Connection「Red String of Fate」 | Carrefour |
弹缘「漆黑女巫集会」14 | Danmaku Connection「Pitch Black Coven」 | Carrefour |
弹缘「虎纹经卷」 | Danmaku Connection「Tiger Patterned Sutra」 | Carrefour |
弹缘「缤纷的晚宴」15 | Danmaku Connection「Kaleidoscope Deipnon」 | Carrefour |
「七度分隔」1617 | 「Seven Degrees of Separation」 | Last Word |