基本信息 | |
人物名 | 斯兹美 |
日文名 | スズメ |
英文名 | Suzume |
种族 | 妖精/蜜蜂 |
能力 | Capable of recognizing any flower by scent, touch or sight 通过气味、触感和外观辨别任何花朵程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方命雨滴 ~ Unification of the Artful Rain. | 一面BOSS | 游戏 | Cheerful Bee of Light 欢快的光之蜜蜂 | Search for the Zephyranthes ~ Searching Youkai 搜寻雨百合 ~ Searching Youkai |
One of the brave honeybees who were gathering pollen despite the heavy rainfalls. "Brave" is an exaggerated word, however. It was her Queen's order. This bee is also scared very easily by things bigger than her. This includes humans. | 在倾盆大雨中奋勇采集花粉的蜜蜂之一。 说“奋勇”是有点言过其实了。这只是在奉女王的命令行事。 而且这只蜜蜂很容易被比她大的东西吓住。其中包括人类。 |
Other soldiers in her squandron keeps telling her not to mind them until direct conflict, but she just can't help but to yell every time she sees one. Under this kind of pressure, she usually decides to rush in and hope for the best. Really, she should reconsider her job at the hive. | 队伍里其他士兵一直在叮嘱她:除非直接发生冲突,否则完全无须理会。但是每次她见到那些东西就忍不住大喊大叫。 如此重压之下,她总是下定决心冲进去,并做好最坏的打算。 真的,她应当重新考虑自己在蜂巢里的工作。 |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
咲符「风信子的芬芳」 | Bloom Sign「Scent of the Hyacinth」 | Easy |
咲符「金盏花的芬芳」 | Bloom Sign「Scent of the Marigold」 | Normal |
咲花「森百合的芬芳」 | Blooming Flower「Scent of the Wood Lily」 | Hard |
咲花「著莪1的芬芳」 | Blooming Flower「Scent of the Iris」 | Lunatic |
授粉「旱柳生长」 | Pollination「Growth of the Curly Willow」 | Easy |
授粉「鹤望兰生长」 | Pollination「Growth of the Strelitzia」 | Normal |
缭乱「飞燕草生长」 | Profusion「Growth of the Larkspur」 | Hard |
缭乱「茶树生长」 | Profusion「Growth of the Teatree」 | Lunatic |