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歌词:Autumn's Parting

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Wild And Wonderful World
Autumn's Parting [04:53]
Wild And Wonderful World (2019-05-05)
社团:Higan Daybreak
作词:Fujiwara no Soh
原曲:フォールオブフォール ~ 秋めく滝
  • 歌词语言:英文

Thus here comes season of good byes
Like a mirror I see you in the waterfall
there is not a lot to say between us I heard all your lies
I push you behind this crystal wall
I know every weaknes that you hide
You know every small thing I would cry about
Like an autumn leaf our past was colorful and so bright
But there were some times I screamed out loud
Now, it's time to say farewell
as the wind start blowing wild
There is not a thing that you could say to change my decision
I assure
It is time for me to move straight on
and I'll leave you in the past
I won't come back
Well, then thanks for the good time
but now I draw my line
And the moment that you will be gone
will just happen quick and fast
I won't look back
memories I'll never tell
all that's left is sweet and mild
This is all I need to get on as my future is waiting
bright and pure
It is time for me to move straight on
and I'll leave you in the past
I won't come back
Well then, thanks for the good time
but now I draw my line
And the moment that you will be gone
will just happen quick and fast
I won't look back
My reflection fades behind the waves
maple leafs are swaying gently in the wind
I resume the journey up the mountain on lonely ways
I have left behind all that I've been