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歌词:Cotton Starfield

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Stardust(Last Dream)
Cotton Starfield [04:18]
Stardust (2015-08-14)
社团:Last Dream
作词:Rio Akbar
原曲:感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind
  • 歌词语言:英文

And the night, has befall, upon the day
and the sun changed to the moon,
and starlight shines so bright
let's walk away, walk away from this world
let us fall into a deep sleep
In a land, far away, far away from here
Lies an illusion only us can see
Would you take my hand and make a wish upon a star
That we will be reunited under this starry sky
A~nd as we lie awake
You can never tell, which one is the dream..
Take my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand please never let go of my hand
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Never ever let go of my hand
A~nd as we lie awake
You can never tell, which one is the dream..
Take my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand please never let go of my hand
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Never ever let go of my hand
In a land, far away, far away from here
Lies an illusion only us can see
Would you take my hand and make a wish upon a star
That we will be reunited under this starry sky
A~nd as we lie awake
You can never tell, which one is the dream..
Take my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand please never let go of my hand
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Never ever let go of my hand
A~nd as we lie awake
You can never tell, which one is the dream..
Take my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand please never let go of my hand
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Never ever let go of my hand