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Purest [05:02]
TOHO EUROBEAT 秘 (2016-05-08)
编曲:Odyssey Eurobeat
演唱:Odyssey Eurobeat
作词:Odyssey Eurobeat
  • 歌词语言:英文

Lost within a dream, can I float anywhere
Or am I just spectating a scene?
Is this the tranquility I've fought so hard to find
Or has the end been found inside of me
I've seen the lengths, the depths, and sides
The ocean's flow, while deep and wide
a blackened canvas to an empty sky
Against infinity I'm blasting to an end
Throughout the void I'm damned to see it all again
Tears of the life I've lost burst, torrents out of me
Leaving a universe— the purest sky and sea
Back before it all gave in to entropy
Lush and green lay the world in my hand
What was it you said to me that took it all away
And made it vanish under your command?
I've seen the lengths, the depths, and sides
The ocean's flow, while deep and wide
a blackened canvas to an empty sky
Against infinity I'm blasting to an end
Throughout the void I'm damned to see it all again
Tears of the life I've lost burst, torrents out of me
Leaving a universe— the purest sky and sea
Against infinity I'm blasting to an end
Throughout the void I'm damned to see it all again
Tears of the life I've lost burst, torrents out of me
Leaving a universe— the purest sky and sea