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歌词:before the luv freeze

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1⑨ -イチマルキュウ-
before the luv freeze [04:59]
1⑨ -イチマルキュウ- (2011-03-13)
  • 歌词语言:英文

I don't wanna say
good-bey to anyone
We don't need words
Let's jump into the paradise
And pray
the dreams will come true
the luv freeze,
the luv freeze!
I wish tonight
After midnight
they will come
with the wind
open that door
and ask it so louder
"Where are you?"
"Is that you?"
I can't hear
but I can do fly to look for you
once upon a time,
I knew true colors
Oh...Since when have we lost it
please show again
I don't wanna say
good-bey to anyone
We don't need words
Let's jump into the paradise
And pray
the dreams will come true
the luv freeze,
the luv freeze!
I wish tonight
After midnight
they will call
with the sound
push the "PLAY"
and sing it so louder
"Where are you"
"Is that you?"
"Can you hear me?"
but I can do sing the next verse
once upon a time,
we knew true dreams
Oh...Since when have we lost it
please show again
I don't wanna say
good-bey to anyone
We don't need words
Let's jump into the paradise
And pray
the dreams will come true
the luv freeze,
the luv freeze!
I wish tonight
I don't wanna say
good-bey to anyone
We don't need words
Let's jump into the paradise
And pray
the dreams will come true
the luv freeze,
the luv freeze!
I wish tonight
I know I'm just a girl
I don't have any words
but I still have my voice to sing a song
I know I'm just a girl
I don't have any words
but I still have my love for you