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基本信息 | |
人物名 | 蕾切尔·米开朗基罗 |
日文名 | レイチェル・ミケランジェロ |
英文名 | Rachel Michelangelo |
种族 | 人类 |
能力 | 操纵与创造原子与物质、使用魔法程度的能力(旧版) 操纵原子与物质的能力(新版) |
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作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方稀濳群 ~ Unstable and Unimaginable Power. | 三面BOSS | 游戏 | Crinkum-Crankum Feminal Scientist 精雕细琢的女科学家 | アニマジナブルパワー ~ 迷い科学者の憂鬱 Unimaginable Power ~ 迷茫科学家的忧郁(旧版) Unimaginable Power ~ Melancholy of the Lost Scientist 不可思议之力 ~ Melancholy of the Lost Scientist(新版) In the Doldrums of Blue Irreconcilability 在不可调和的忧郁沉寂之中 |
Crinkum-Crankum Feminal Scientist Rachel Michelangelo レイチェル・ミケランジェロ Species: Human Ability: Capable of manipulating and creating atoms and matter; using magic Rachel is definitely the type of person you probably wouldn't like to meet. Rachel's crazy, obsessed over science. She was a regular student on other subjects but she absolutely adored classes that had topics related to it. One day, she suddenly got teleported to Gensokyo while sleeping, deep into a forest, and, when she woke up, was completely shocked when she noticed what had happened to her. Her siblings and family, of course, started to search for her due to her dissapearance, but never found any clue where she was, she just, was gone. Rachel started re-learning how to live in this new land, with ferocious youkai, dangerous humans and most importantly - discovering that magic exists. Magic was something she never vouched for, thinking it was some sort of stupid trick or mind foolishness. Absolutely wrong on her part, I must say. Then, she met a girl, one that was especially experienced on being a thief, a robber. They turned friends and together tried building a new home. A lab. Rachel used all of her skills to build this place, while every night her friend would make sure that no one would invade, despite her weak powers. But anyway, she at some point moved inside the cavern that the game takes place on. Eventually, Rachel was able to gather up a bunch of people that helped her develop cures, make new discoveries, all while still being very young. Rachel always had a deep desire to come back to her home, but not until long after her arrival, she was able to master her powers and started researching a way to break the barrier who was making it impossible for her to leave, the Hakurei Barrier. This friend of hers, Jun, was always at her side and would always help Rachel in any situation, in a sort of master-subordinate scheme. To this day, her siblings are still searching for her outside. Wow, what a long bio. |
Crinkum-Crankum Feminal Scientist レイチェル・ミケランジェロ Rachel Michelangelo Species:Human Ability:Capable of manipulating atoms and matter Occasionally, portals will show up in the outside world that wind up bringing people to Gensokyo, mostly against their will. Rachel was one such victim of these portals. Before getting teleported to Gensokyo, Rachel held a special interest in science. She loved taking things apart to study what made them work, she loved combining various substances to witness the chemical reaction, and most importantly she just simply loved experimenting. She was rather close to her family, and could be seen with at least one fellow family member quite frequently. This made her arrival in Gensokyo all the more painful for her, since it wound up tearing her away from them. In addition, she was attacked by a rather violent shadow youkai shortly upon entering, and while she came out of the experience unscathed somehow, it still traumatized her and shaped her opinion of Gensokyo. According to her, Gensokyo is just a place where weirdos lie. According to her, Gensokyo is just a place where a predator can attack at every corner. According to her, Gensokyo is an evil monster that tore her away from the ones she loved. She eventually found refuge in a cave, and started constructing her own lab there. She initially began with just some simple experiments, before constructing the end goal of making an invention. Said invention would destroy the barrier that was preventing her from coming home. She also didn't like the idea of magic, since it contradicted everything she knew before, and was also mainly used by those that attacked her. She's still adamant about saying her ability is just a result of her being that good at science, and not something that's due to magic. She began hiring people to help her work on the invention. She also tried hiring people to experiment on, but nobody actually wanted to be experimented on for free, which led to her kidnapping people to use as lab rats instead. She stopped after Unk began haunting her after his death, though. Most of her employees soon took notice of the fact that she wasn't a perfectly sane individual. She made her warped view of Gensokyo apparent quite frequently. She contradicted her own words all the time. The only employee she made it clear that she actually cared about was Jun, and she treated all the others like dirt. Most importantly, she clearly had no respect for others' lives, being apathetic if one of her employees died in an accident or something. In fact, the only thing she really cared about was just returning home, something which soon turned into an obsession that she let take control over her. Most people besides Jun simply viewed her as a lost cause, and by the time she finished her invention Jun was the only employee, and honestly, only friend, that she still had. If it wasn't for Reimu's fight with her, she likely would've destroyed the border and killed most of Gensokyo's residents without a thought. After the incident, she wound up not caring about getting home as much, and learned to show more compassion towards others, though she still gets easily angered. Most of all though, she always enjoys a good fight. |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
讯符「死亡讯息」 | Signal Sign「Death Signal」 | Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic |
原子符「记忆逃避」 | Atom Sign「Memory Evade」 | Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic |
光符「焚化光线」 | Light Sign「Crematory Ray」 | Easy/Normal |
光符「镭射撕裂光」 | Light Sign「Laceration Ray」 | Hard/Lunatic |
转符「蠕行死尸」 | Turn Sign「Slither Corpse」 | Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic |
实验室符「色彩参数」 | Lab Sign「Color Parameter」 | Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic |
压符「谋杀之笼」 | Crunch Sign「Murder Cage」 | Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic |
研符「黑曜石螺旋」 | Research Sign「Obsidian Spiral」 | Easy/Normal |
研符「黑曜石涡流」 | Research Sign「Obsidian Vortex」 | Hard/Lunatic |
幻想乡「困于乐土」 | Gensokyo「Trapped in Wonderland」 | Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
急讯「条件性隔离」 | Riveting Signal「Conditional Quarantine」 | Easy/Normal |
急讯「无条件隔离」 | Riveting Signal「Unconditional Quarantine」 | Hard/Lunatic |
史翠珊之约「错觉迁移」 | Streisand Rendez-Vous「Delusion Diversion」 | Easy/Normal |
史翠珊之约「幻象烟幕」 | Streisand Rendez-Vous「Illusion Smokescreen」 | Hard/Lunatic |
无声惊雷「受抑撕裂射线」 | Thunder Reticence「Stifled Laceration Ray」 | Easy/Normal |
无声惊雷「锋锐撕裂射线」 | Thunder Reticence「Sharp Laceration Ray」 | Hard/Lunatic |
破蛹「溜行之尸」 | Metamorphosis Rupture「Slither Corpse」 | Easy/Normal |
破蛹「溜行尸身」 | Metamorphosis Rupture「Slither Cadaver」 | Hard/Lunatic |
锢锁「高枕恶梦」 | Clamped Shackles「Pillowsoft Nightmare」 | Easy/Normal |
束缚「高枕恶梦」 | Clamped Tethers「Pillowsoft Nightmare」 | Hard/Lunatic |
利萨如图样「光灾」 | Lissajous1 Pattern「Light Havoc」 | Easy/Normal |
利萨如纹饰「光灾」 | Lissajous Ornamentation「Light Havoc」 | Hard/Lunatic |
压狱「谋杀之笼」 | Crunch Jail「Murder Cage」 | Easy/Normal |
压牢「谋杀之笼」 | Crunch Hoosegow「Murder Cage」 | Hard/Lunatic |
碎裂半影「乐园揭秘」 | Shattered Penumbra「Reveal Wonderland」 | Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic |