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日文名夜花 鉄子(よるはな てつこ)
英文名Tetsuko Yoruhana
能力Reading emotions
東方実在相 ~ Dream Logical World二面中BOSS
游戏Empath who Never Encounters Emotions
Erica Arborea in the Breeze



A solitary human living near the foot of Youkai Mountain. She is totally indifferent towards other humans and youkai (although that can border on active dislike), content to merely exist without interacting with anyone else. Which is plenty ironic, considering her ability is sensing others' emotions.
Tetsuko never travels far from the small twigs-and-branches dwelling she built into the side of a hill. It's rare for anyone to see her, and even rarer for the two to strike up a conversation, as Tetsuko won't speak unless spoken to, and tends to be irritated by anyone who does so. Otherwise emotionless and having no relationships, to other people she's almost more a feature of the environment than a person.
Tetsuko lived in the Human Village as a child, and did not exactly fit in there. She preferred the company of youkai to other humans, lighting up whenever one happened to visit the village. It is exceptional that she can recall a few details of her childhood friendship with Koishi.
When Tetsuko came of adolescent age, she began to feel society's pressures to pick up a skill and make oneself useful. Viewing the world more like a youkai than the humans of the village, she found it difficult to understand and relate to other humans as she wandered about trying to attach a worthwhile "usefulness" to her life. She realized that unless she became a youkai herself, though (which almost certainly could never happen), she would need to adopt a human mindset to make her way in human culture. So at every waking moment, she interacted with and observed others, hoping to learn the secrets of their behavior.
Eventually, her desperate wish to comprehend her fellow humans manifested as a power to read emotions. Finally, Tetsuko had a special ability that gave her potential value in a world that valued skills. Or so she thought at first. Her ability was narrower in breadth than the mind-reading of the satoris, but it seemed that people didn't like their emotions being read without their consent, either. Tetsuko was confident about her talent when she used it on others without them knowing, but things never went right when she made it known. She didn't know how to respond appropriately to particular emotions. People thought her ability was creepy or it made them uncomfortable. She was told that emotion-reading didn't have a good and proper use.
Tetsuko was too youkai-like to fit into human society, and too human to become a youkai. Believing she had no place in this world, she left behind her home, her aspirations, and her personality, moved to the remote foot of the mountain, and resigned herself to a solitary existence. She thought about nothing except the trees, leaves, flowers, and dirt.
However, a little while before the dream-logical world was found out, Tetsuko visited the Hakurei Shrine to offer her worship. What prompted that change of heart? Why, dream logic messing with everyone's free will and making them more compassionate and desiring of social relationships, of course. When confronted by a stream of incident-resolvers anxious to uncover the truth, Tetsuko couldn't explain why she had felt like doing that. While far from happy about the continual intrusions into her private sphere, she wasn't sure what to think when informed that the aspect of compassion had increased in strength. Maybe she had become more compassionate, but due to the nature of dream logic, she didn't feel any less herself.
Tetsuko was surprised again when, after the incident had been resolved, several of the people she'd met the previous day were curious to know more about her. What's more, the incident's mastermind—who was genuinely trying to help people connect with each other—was a village human herself. Just like what Koishi experienced after meeting Reimu and Marisa for the first time, Tetsuko had the slightest thought that maybe interacting with others could be worth it after all. Sanae offered to let her visit the Moriya Shrine, but she wasn't sure about it until Koishi returned and encouraged her to give it a try. Tetsuko was perfectly fine in her lonesome paradise, after all, so if it didn't work out she'd have nothing to lose.
Will Tetsuko decide she can care about the world outside her sheltered niche once again? Well, that's a story for another day.


质符「外围空间」Essence Sign「Ambient Space」1Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic/Overdrive
情符「冷漠」Emotion Sign「Apathy」Easy/Normal/Hard
「感情的淡漠」「Emotional Apathy」Lunatic/Overdrive
花符「带刺蔷薇」Flower Sign「Thorny Rose」Easy/Normal/Hard
花符「荆棘蔷薇」Flower Sign「Brambly Rose」Lunatic
花符「荆棘蔷薇花园」Flower Sign「Brambly Rose Garden」2Overdrive
「壁花形态」「The State of Being a Wallflower」4Last word


  1. 这张符卡的名字或取自同名心理学术语Ambient Space,指一个物体的外围空间,与Hodological Space(指物体的潜在移动路径所构成的空间)相对应。
  2. 与古明地恋在心绮楼的Last Word「Brambly Rose Garden」同名。
  3. 体验版0.10a以前,本符卡未命名。因被玩家视作bug,此符卡名于0.10a版本被加入。详见readme
  4. 应该neta了美国电影《壁花少年》(The Perks of Being a Wallflower)
