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東方催狐譚 ~ Servants of Harvest Wish./音乐
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标题画面曲 | Withered Bounty | 枯萎的丰饶 | Abner |
The title theme. The title menu has a lot of warm colours, so I made this song to be a bit warm as well to feel somewhat welcoming. It also introduces the more traditional atmosphere of the game. | 标题画面的主题曲。 标题菜单大量使用了暖色调,所以我在这首曲子里同样加入了一些暖意,对玩家表示欢迎。 它也更多地为游戏营造了一种传统的氛围。 | ||
1面主题曲 | The Golden Sun and the Cloud-Coloured Horizon | 金色太阳与云色的地平线 | Abner |
The stage 1 theme. I wanted to start off the game with a peaceful feeling that's somewhat windy. It is pretty specific, but I think it fits the stage well. ^^" | 1面的主题曲。 我想游戏应该在平和的氛围下开始,伴以些许微风。 听上去有点太具体了,但我觉得很适合这一面。^^" | ||
1面BOSS-黑塚赤实主题曲 | Cumulonimbus Grimace | 积雨云中的鬼脸 | Abner |
Akami Kurotsuka's theme. Akami's back! However, this time as a stage 1 boss. I didn't want to make the song too laid back even if she is a stage 1 boss in this game. I decide to go for a bit of tension since she is quite strong in her own right. | 黑塚赤实的主题曲。 赤实回来啦!但这次她是一面boss。尽管如此,我并不想让这首曲子太过悠闲。 我决定加入一些紧张感,毕竟她本身相当强力。 | ||
2面主题曲 | Evening Parade of Humans and Beasts | 人兽夕行 | Abner |
The stage 2 theme. Made this song to feel like a march or a parade. I am pretty happy with the festive feel it has. | 2面的主题曲。 这首曲子是以游行或展览的感觉创作的。 其中蕴含着祭典的感觉,让我欣喜不已。 | ||
2面BOSS-影面主题曲 | Yosakoi Foxtrot | 夜来祭狐步舞 | Abner |
Kagemo's theme. Kagemo! She was a fun boss to compose for given her personality. I made this to feel likely and fun. I even added electric drums which I tend to stay away from. | 影面的主题曲。 影面!了解她的个性后会发现她是个有趣的boss。 我创作了这首生动活泼的曲子。我甚至加入了自己并不喜欢的电子鼓。 | ||
3面主题曲 | Beware the Forest's Flowers | 小心林中之花 | Abner |
The stage 3 theme. As our heroines continue on her adventure, the night becomes quite hectic. Made this song to sound night-like with a hint of a mystic feel. Pretty fun to make. | 3面的主题曲。 我们的主角们继续着冒险,此时夜幕降临。 这首曲子用一种神秘感营造了夜晚的氛围。 作起来十分有趣。 | ||
3面BOSS-锷木幸子主题曲 | Night-Blooming Camellia ~ Heart of the Swarm | 夜间绽放的山茶花 ~ Heart of the Swarm | Abner |
Yukiko Tsubaki's theme. Yukiko's theme was pretty fun to make. I made some instruments sound somewhat like bees(i.e.synth). I made this song to feel a bit intense given her character but also somewhat elegant. | 锷木幸子的主题曲。 创作幸子的主题曲非常有趣。 我使用了一些听上去像蜂鸣的乐器声(i.e.synth)。 我把这首曲子作得颇有激情来表现她的人物特点,同时也加入了一些优雅的感觉。 | ||
4面主题曲 | Windy Waves of a Starry Sea | 星海的风浪 | Abner |
The stage 4 theme. This song starts off kind of jazzy and chill. I wanted to make the intro a bit relaxed, then a bit more emotional, then uneasy. The ending gives a small hint of the future battle. | 4面的主题曲。 作为歌曲的开头,使用了爵士风与清爽感的曲调。 我希望让引入部分更加令人放松一些,之后变得稍稍有感染力,最后以不安感作结。 结束段大概是未来战斗的一个小小伏线吧。 | ||
4面BOSS-梅美主题曲 | Poppet of Nemesis1 | 报应女神的魔法人偶 | Abner |
Meimei's theme. Meimei's theme was an interesting challenge. I wanted to make this pretty creepy sounding and I found a pretty creepy voice sound and got obsessed with it. Oh, also just wanted to mention that Meimei is adorable and creepy at the same time! But mostly adorable. | 梅美的主题曲。 制作梅美的主题曲是个有趣的挑战。我希望让这首曲子听起来有一些诡异感, 在这个过程中,我找到了一个非常棒的诡异的音色,并被它深深迷住了。 对了,梅美兼具有可爱和诡异两种属性!不过可爱是占上风的。 | ||
5A面主题曲 | A Profane Shrine Maiden in a Scared Shrine(Ruby Version) | 圣之神社的渎之巫女 (Ruby Version) | Abner |
The stage 5 theme (A type). Wanted to make this theme slightly different between the two possibilities. For some reason, I think of a guitar when I think of earth. Perhaps because of... ROCK music? Ehehe...eh.... | |||
5B面主题曲 | A Profane Shrine Maiden in a Scared Shrine(Sapphire Version) | 圣之神社的渎之巫女 (Sapphire Version) | Abner |
The stage 5 theme (B type). Similar to the other path, I made the song similar aside from the midboss appearance. A harp sounds pretty elegant, no? I thought it was a good fit to represent water. | 5B面的主题曲。 与另一条线路类似,我让这两首曲子在除去中Boss以外的部分都极为相似。 竖琴的音色听起来很优雅,不是吗? 我认为,用它来代表“水”,再合适不过了。 | ||
Showdown!Trial of the Wish-Fulfilling Jewel | 对决!如意宝珠的试炼 | Abner | |
Saruta and Uzume Mitama's theme. This theme was a blast! The trumpets are really the centerpiece of this. This song was made with a somewhat different mentality. More like an anime theme opening or something. I really liked how it turned out in the end. | 三珠申田&钿目的主题曲。 燃起来了!毫无疑问,这首曲目的主角是小号。 决定使用与其它的曲子稍稍不同的氛围来制作这首曲子。 怎么说呢,最后反而更像是动画作品的OP了。 就结果来说,我对于这首曲子还是非常喜欢的。 | ||
6面主题曲 | Vulpecula et Anser3 | 天狐与白鹅 | Abner |
The stage 6 theme. The stage starts off with nothingness and I think the music box really complements the beginning. This song has a small bit of an orchestral feel rather than a ZUN-like one, but I think it goes with the stage. | 6面的主题曲。 对于以空无一物开始的最终面,我认为八音盒与这样的序幕形成的配合 是十分完美的。这首曲子相比于ZUN风,实际上更加偏向于交响乐的感觉。 但是我觉得,这样的曲子确实和这一面非常般配。 | ||
6面BOSS-宇贺神稻狐主题曲 | Rising Sun Moon Viewing ~ Best Wishes | 日出观月 ~ Best Wishes | Abner |
Touko Ugajin's theme. This theme was meant to be made more elegant sounding than the rest. Compared to most late game songs, it is a bit slower, but I felt it was necessary to make it to fit her character. Touko seems like a chill person I would have a cup of tea with, to be honest. | 宇贺神稻狐的主题曲。 以相较其它曲子更为优雅的旋律为目标制作了这首主题曲。 相比于大部分游戏后期的音乐,它稍稍有些缓慢, 但是,我认为这对于她的角色塑造来说是十分必要的。 说实话,温柔的稻狐小姐,感觉是可以坐在一起坐在一起喝茶的人呢。 | ||
Last Spell主题曲 | Master of Harvest Wish | 祈愿丰饶之主 | Abner |
The Last Spell theme. Now Touko's theme becomes a bit more intense! This song really builds up quickly to make the situation a lot more intense. No more tea here! | LSC的主题曲。 现在是更加激扬的稻狐主题曲! 在快速激扬起的旋律的配合之下,气氛也被渐渐炒热了起来。 看起来已经不是能够安心喝茶的时间了。 | ||
Extra面主题曲 | Spiriting Away of Manju and Saka ~ by any other name | 神隐的曼珠沙华 ~ by any other name | Abner |
The Extra stage theme. Because the Extra stage is so different from the main game, I went a bit experimental on this. I am not used to using a lot of synths for music but I think I may have found a new style! A lot of fun making this one. Also makes me wonder whose voice is in my head... | Extra面的主题曲。 因为与正篇的气氛截然不同的缘故,我在EX面上尝试了 实验性的曲风。虽然我还不习惯于在音乐中使用如此之多的合成器, 但是我想,我大概已经找到了一种全新的风格。编写这首曲子十分有趣。 另外,我想知道我脑海中的声音究竟是属于谁的。 | ||
Extra面BOSS-纣真藻主题曲 | Mikuzume's Mind Game | 藻女4的心灵游戏 | Naudiz,Abner |
Shirigai no Mamo's theme. The final curtain has risen, and the mastermind has shown her face! Now, behold a show of danmaku so spectacularly mind-boggling, you might even forget your own name! Under my influence, Abner brought this theme to life. Mind control sure is fun. | 纣真藻的主题曲。 最后的帷幕终于升起,黑幕现出了她的真形。 现在,在看到这场壮丽到令人难以置信的弹幕演出之时,你甚至会忘记你自己的名字。 在我的影响之下,Abner先生出色地改编了这首曲子。 心灵控制确实很有趣呢。 | ||
Extra面BOSS-纣真藻主题曲(原版) | Mikuzume's Mind Game(Mastermind Edition) | 藻女的心灵游戏(Mastermind Edition) | Naudiz |
Shirigai no Mamo's theme (original). Surprise! 'Twas I who composed this theme! You could almost say I'm the mastermind behind it. And since you, the player, solved the riddle needed to unlock this theme, I'd say you qualify as a mastermind yourself! Five stars for you. | 纣真藻的主题曲(原版)。 当当当!我就是这首曲子的原作者! 换言之,你可以认为我是这首曲子的“黑幕”。 并且自从你,这个游戏的玩家,解开了用以解锁这首曲目的谜题起, 你就有资格成为“黑幕”了!给你五星好评! | ||
Overdrive SpellCard主题曲 | Tessenjutsu Dance ~ Harvest Mix | 铁扇术之舞 ~ Harvest Mix | Abner |
The Overdrive theme. Ahhh, this song brings back memories! One of the first songs I ever composed that eventually led me to join Dreamcatcher! I was glad to be able to recreate this song to fit into this game. | Overdrive的主题曲。 啊,好怀念啊!这是我所编写的第一首曲子, 同时它也是我加入Dreamcatcher这个社团的契机。 能够配合上这个作品的气氛重编这首曲子,真是令人高兴啊。 | ||
结局画面主题曲 | Three Shrines,Three Wishes | 三个神社,三个愿望 | Abner |
The ending theme. I wanted to bring a shrine-like feeling for this one. I don't know how to explain. Very mysterious and traditional sounding. I also feel like it is somewhat relaxing but has an intense undertone. | 结局画面的主题曲。 想要做出有神社感觉的曲子,虽然不知道具体来说应该怎么形容这种感觉。 我觉得大概是充斥着神秘感和传统感的声音。 同样,它还应该是令人放松,但仍然蕴含有些许深意的吧。 | ||
职员表画面主题曲 | The Autumn Breeze Has Obtained Its Wish ~ Wishful Dreaming | 秋风得意 ~ Wishful Dreaming | Abner |
The staff roll theme. The staff roll theme revisits the beginning and the end of the adventure. I wanted the staff roll to feel like it was the end of a journey but also the start of a new one. It also lets my name be next to Ryouko (Best Girl)! | StaffRoll的主题曲。 听着职员表的曲子,就仿佛回顾了这场旅途从始至终的点点滴滴。 我希望这首曲子能够表达出一种虽然是一段旅程的终点,但却是另一段旅程的起点的感觉。 题外话,我的名字被写在龙子的旁边真是再好不过了。 | ||
游戏结束主题曲 | Player's Score ~ Reap and Sow | Player's Score ~ 收获与播种 | Abner |
The game over theme. A typical Player's Score theme with a bit of koto and shakuhachi. Simple and pure. I decided to give a more traditional feel into it. | 游戏结束的主题曲。 在传统的Player's Score旋律中,加上了一点古琴和尺八的音色。 我希望这首曲子能够表现出更加传统,但是简单而纯粹的氛围。 |
- ↑ 希腊神话中的女神涅墨西斯(Nemesis),被视作报应、报复之神,也被称为复仇女神。与复仇三女神厄里倪厄斯(Erinyes)的不同在于,厄里倪厄斯强调的是血淋淋的直接的复仇,无关善恶;而涅墨西斯的含义更接近于罪有应得、命中注定的报应。由于梅美作为人形神的原型更贴近“报应”之意,故此处取用与文花帖中不同的“报应女神”翻译。
- ↑ 这里是一个双关。Rock Music指摇滚乐,而Rock是岩石的意思。
- ↑ 取自狐狸座,最初由波兰天文学家赫维留斯提议设立,赫维留斯将其命名为“狐狸与鹅”(Vulpecula et Anser),看成狐狸口中叼着白鹅的样子。
- ↑ 九尾狐来到日本后最初名叫藻女,被鸟羽上皇迎入宫中后赐名玉藻前。