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日文名メイメイ (めいめい)
能力Granting a single person's wishes
東方催狐譚 ~ Servants of Harvest Wish四面BOSS&EX面中BOSS游戏Idol of Avarice
The Puppet and the Wishing Doll
Poppet of Nemesis



A petite and enigmatic wishing doll whose automation was brought by a rather cursed ritual.
It's said that a hinnagami is born by gathering the clay of the dead for three years. Miraculously, with the aid of a malicious youkai, Kagemo was able to significantly speed up the process to a mere three weeks.
Families that wander into sudden prosperity and luck wander into utilizing the powers of a hinnagami. Those wishes, of course, come with a cost - despite its usefulness, the hinnagami is a highly cursed object which eventually becomes overly attached to its owner. Even after death, the cursed doll would follow its owner, demanding more wishes with an eerie "What's next?". These wishing dolls are reported to punish their owners. The severity of this punishment depends entirely on the value of what was wished for.
Kagemo and her master knew that Meimei's powers had to be used sparingly to avoid a great punishment at the end. Meimei's creation, of course, had its selfish purpose. Kagemo's master lacked a proper body, which greatly hindered her magic ability. Meimei's power was simply not enough to create a stable body, thus rendering her useless. Filled with rage, the master deemed her a completely useless ragdoll and went back to brainstorming new ways to gain a body. At least Kagemo would have a plaything. Not like the master cared; Kagemo would be punished by the wishes, after all.
An idea sprouted inside the evil mastermind's head. By tracking down the fabled Harvest Moon Shrine, a legendary gem named the "wish-fulfilling jewel" could be used to wish for the new body. As it was Inari's source of power, wishing for a new body would be an easy task with no consequences in the afterlife. It turns out that Meimei could be used after all. A wish seemingly as minor as "lead the way to this shrine" would come with little to no consequence, not to mention the great benefit for their master. Kagemo had doubts about it working; how would Meimei know where to look for that shrine? Because of the powers of Kagemo's wishing, a strange internal force gave her all required directions to the long forgotten shrine. The burglary had been commited. Kagemo and Meimei made a run for it. Had they stayed for a moment longer, they would've been caught by the shrine's guardians.
After using the jewel's power, their master got what she wanted. She needed some time to get used to the body and recover their magic, so she was vulnerable. On the next day, however, a great famine struck Gensokyo's human village. Starving, the miserable humans tried their best to get some more food, but the harvest was very poor. Worried about exterminators and Inari going after her tail, the master panicked, so after using the jewel, she wanted Kagemo and Meimei to sneak back into the Harvest Moon Shrine and return it. She didn't have the strength to fight against Inari at that point, so calming them down was the right choice.


Kagemo had been possessed by a mysterious mastermind who permanently attached a white fox mask onto her face.
The mask itself was cursed to constantly seep demonic energy into her system. Should anyone dare to touch it and take it off her face (not that Kagemo had the willpower to take it off herself), the masks's energy would enter the victim's system through their fingers and cause some horrific cognitive mutations.
"Kagemo" isn't her name, it's a measly nickname given to her by her master. They never bothered to learn her name, there was no point; after all, the human side of her didn't exist anymore.
As she was a regular girl, Kagemo was unable to use magic until the mask was put on her. The mask also served as a power source, drawing some of the master's magic.
Even though her bullets look like colorful candy, the amount of evil contained in a single bullet can turn the nicest person into a mindless beast controlled by the mastermind.
Kagemo, however, still retained a bit of what she used to be. She is still a cheerful young lady who enjoys dancing her worries away.
A grand plan was in order - the mastermind, still in her spirit form, would wish for a new body with a hinnagami. Kagemo was tasked to gather dirt from unsecured graves for the creation of this wishing doll.
Kagemo had to hasten unless she wanted to be punished by her mistress. Thus, Meimei was born after just a few weeks. Regular hinnagami take years to create, so Meimei clearly wasn't fit for the enormous wish she was created for. The mastermind was extremely disappointed and decided to discard her immediately, but another idea sprung into their mind.
What if Kagemo used Meimei to track down the special wish-fulfilling jewel that Inari has? Meimei proved to be useful after all... well, as a GPS more than anything.
After using the jewel, the mastermind created a new body for herself - a voluptuous, ill-wishing kitsune lady that named herself Shirigai no Mamo.
To her, Meimei and Kagemo had zero worth, so to avoid being blamed for the theft of the jewel, she sent the duo back to the Harvest Moon Shrine.
If they were caught, they would die, not her. She's clearly not the nicest person to her underlings...
During the time of running around Gensokyo, being chased by Inari's servants or the heroines, Kagemo and Meimei had a lot of time to bond.
Back in the village, Kagemo hid Meimei to prevent her from attracting the eyes of others, but Meimei couldn't stand constantly running away from everybody.
They deeply care about each other, having built up a younger sister- elder sister relationship thanks to their similar fates.. Kagemo treated Meimei not like a fellow servant, but like a best friend.
Considering how her autonomy was taken from her, the wishing doll was actually the only glimmer of hope for Kagemo's sanity.
Thanks to Meimei and all the fun they have on a daily basis, Kagemo hasn't lost the entirety of her mind thanks to Meimei.
Not yet, at least... Mamo has taken note of this, so she will "toy" with her to get rid of the only trace of the girl Kagemo once used to be.


咒仪「悲惨之道」Hexed Rite「Path of Misery」Easy/Normal
咒欲「悲惨的螺旋」Accursed Desires「Spiral of Grief」Hard/Lunatic
罪命「后悔的众魂」Sinful Life「Souls of Regret」Easy/Normal
后悔「业力3果报」4Repentance「Karmic Consequence」Hard/Lunatic
金符「富贵陷阱」Money Sign「Fortune Snare」Easy/Normal
欲符「埋葬于富贵」Greed Sign「Entombed by Fortune」Hard/Lunatic
「守财奴的最后心愿」「Miser's Last Wish」Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic
饿鬼「地狱公路之星」5Preta「Hell's Highwey Star」Last Word
*入轨的财神**Mammon in Orbit*Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic(异常)
死行进「舞厅悲剧」Death March「Ballroom Tragedy」Extra(与影面合作使用)
死行进「舞池中的血」Death March「Blood on the Dance Floor」Lunatic Extra(与影面合作使用)
生命线「与死亡共舞」Lifeline「Dance with Death」Extra(与影面合作使用)
生命线「生与死的境界线」Lifeline「Line Between Life and Death」Lunatic Extra(与影面合作使用)
「违背丰饶祈愿的仆从」「Servants Against Harvest Wish」Extra/Lunatic Extra(与影面合作使用)
*不幸的焰火**Star-Crossed Firework*Extra/Lunatic Extra(异常)(与影面合作使用)
凶星「厄★运饼干」Ominous Star「Miss ★ Fortune Cookie」6Overdrive
影明「幻想入之人形演舞」7Shadow and Light「Spirited-Away Puppet Dance Performance」Overdrive(与影面合作使用)


  1. 人形神(ひんながみ)是日本民间传说的一种妖物,传说用墓地的泥土混合人的血肉搓成人偶,祭拜此人偶就能求得富贵。但人形神诞生自人的贪欲,一旦被祭拜后就会附在人身上,让人痛苦地度过此生,死后永堕地狱。
  2. 希腊神话中的女神涅墨西斯(Nemesis),被视作报应、报复之神。与复仇三女神厄里倪厄斯(Erinyes)的不同在于,厄里倪厄斯强调的是血淋淋的直接的复仇,无关善恶;而涅墨西斯的含义更接近于罪有应得、命中注定的报应。
  3. 佛教中指不可抗拒的因果报应之力。
  4. 向人形神许愿者,虽然能得到财富但必遭痛苦的报应。
  5. 英国深紫乐队演奏的知名乐曲,在《JOJO的奇妙冒险》中还有取自于此的同名替身。
  6. Miss Fortune(幸运小姐)与misfortunate(不幸)的双关语。
  7. neta由FocasLens制作的仿宝可梦东方同人游戏幻想人形演舞。在游戏的剧情中,主人公在一次博丽神社的参拜中幻想入,并解决了幻想乡中出现了大量与幻想乡住民相似的人偶的异变。
