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日文名灯篭坂 愛美(とうろうざか あいみ)
英文名Aimi Tourouzaka
東方実在相 ~ Dream Logical World六面BOSS
游戏Dreaming Heartbroken Girl
Eastern Aspects of Love and Beauty ~ Existential Humankind
东方爱美相 ~ Existential Humankind
Reclamation of Eastern Story
Reclamation of Eastern Story



A girl from the Human Village whose dream since adolescence has been to adventure across Gensokyo and resolve incidents.
When fate delivered her a means of bending reality, she set about rewriting existence so her and others' dreams could come true, unwilling to recognize all the problems this would cause, up to and including causing an incident.
For many years, Aimi saw herself as nothing more than the daughter of a woodworker, sawing branches and tree trunks to bring back to the woodshop where her father and the other workers could use them as building materials.
Her family had never been particularly wealthy, so Aimi and her father provided for themselves by working many hours. Something in Aimi's honest and adventurous heart, however, would not allow her to be satisfied with this life.
She was enthralled by the stories she heard about heroic spell card wielders who used their powers to defend the peace of Gensokyo from incidents. It mattered little that those "heroes" didn't always have pure-hearted altruism in mind. Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Youmu, Sanae...if only Aimi could be flying alongside them, exploring new worlds, meeting fearsome and friendly youkai. But she couldn't do that because she had to saw trees. She feared she'd live out her entire life within the Human Village, never seeing anything else the realm of fantasy could show her.
That is, until she met Rikuto Akigiri, an eccentric, adventurous young man who could see the extraordinary in everyday things. Rikuto pointed out all the beautiful architecture Aimi's work was responsible for creating.
He reminded Aimi that anyone could learn to use spell cards, and in fact had a bit of experience with them himself. Having each other to train with, they were able to develop their danmaku skills in their spare time and even take short ventures outside the village once they were skilled enough. Aimi was ecstatic that her dream was finally coming true, and it was all thanks to Rikuto.
But he wasn't the perfect partner Aimi hoped he would be. Rikuto had inherited an emotionally unstable personality from his parents.
Sometimes he'd be warm and friendly, spending whole evenings practicing with her, while other days he'd suddenly become uncomfortable with social interaction and want to be left alone. Dreading the thought of losing the one who'd shown her a fulfilling life, Aimi confessed her love to Rikuto. He said he'd love to be Aimi's significant other, but needed some time to decide whether he could handle a relationship.
So Aimi waited for his answer. And waited, and waited, and waited...until Rikuto introduced her to his new girlfriend: Miyu Aokusa.
Aimi didn't understand how Rikuto could fall in love with someone else before letting her know about his decision.
She asked Rikuto the meaning of this new development, more frustrated than ever that he couldn't express himself well. Finally, he explained it: he understood his emotions were unstable and didn't want to risk hurting Aimi by being in a relationship with her.
Having no one left to practice danmaku with, Aimi returned to her mediocre, unfulfilling life, overcome with disappointment and anger.
That she had no one else to train with, that Rikuto had betrayed her trust, that he couldn't choose his personality, that the world had to work in a way that gave her a glimpse of reaching her dream and then took it away. When Aimi went out to saw trees, she imagined she was pruning a tree representing all the categories and sub-categories of existence, removing bad ones and adding good ones so the world would allow people's dreams to come true.
Then, as the land of fantasy would have it, her pruning saw became a tsukumogami. And everything changed.
This was, of course, because Seija had tricked Shinmyoumaru Sukuna into flooding Gensokyo with the power of the Miracle Mallet, an oni artifact with the power to grant wishes (see Double Dealing Character for that story). The Mallet's magical energy turned Aimi's saw into Kiseki Amashirasagi, a tsukumogami capable of fulfilling her purpose of not only pruning literal branches, but also Aimi's imaginary Tree of Aspects. Once Aimi recovered from the shock of gaining a living tool who not only had the exact ability she needed but also wanted to help her, she asked Kiseki to make it so people's personalities aren't so determined by their DNA. Kiseki tried, but found that she couldn't fulfill this directive exactly as Aimi stated it. Because, you see, they had run into the fact that anyone wishing to change the world must soon confront: existence is complicated.
The incredible potential of Kiseki's power, theoretically even greater than any of the myriad gods residing in Gensokyo, was matched only by its inefficiency. There were so many variables and aspects to account for that making even a simple change to reality could require days. And they couldn't make a change that resulted in a logical inconsistency; Kiseki couldn't simply make personalities not come from inheritance because it would leave nowhere they did come from.
To make this process as less daunting as possible, Aimi had Kiseki create a real-life version of the Tree of Aspects: a towering tree with branches representing all aspects of existence, which they could use to keep track of the reality they were altering. Over the course of a little more than a year, the reality-rewriting girls carefully and gradually crafted Gensokyo into their ideal world. A world where people were kinder and more self-aware, where there were always beautiful places to adventure to, where people could avoid getting sick, fighting in bloody conflicts, and of course, unintentionally hurting others. No one else took notice of the impossibly large tree that had suddenly appeared, or any other part of the world that was being changed, because Kiseki was manipulating reality, and people's minds are part of reality too. Without realizing their thoughts had been changed, everyone simply accepted their altered reality as if it had always been that way. This phenomenon is what they would later refer to as "dream logic".
While Aimi understood they'd have to make and re-make a huge number of changes to the world, her total devotion to her ideal paradise blinded her to the unintended side effects of bending reality. And once the heroic spell card wielders she admired so much realized they were living in a dream-logical world and barged uninvited into the Tree of Aspects, that is what they couldn't stand for. Aimi had Kiseki make it easier for youkai to be born so Kiseki could remain in existence after the Miracle Mallet's power had been withdrawn, but this upset the careful balance of power between humans and youkai. She made people think more about others so everyone would act more kindly, but didn't consider that focusing more on a goal of helping others might cause people to become more aggressive, not kinder. She intended to give people freedom from their negative personality traits, but by determining their thoughts for them, she was actually taking their free will away. And as Marisa informed her, there was always a chance that someone could try to misuse Kiseki's power and warp existence with a much less altruistic end.
After a spell card battle in which she was defeated, Aimi was finally forced to confront the mess she'd made of reality. While the incident-resolvers did demand that everything be put back to normal, they appreciated Aimi's desire to become like them and change the world for the better. Reimu, Kasen, Marisa, Sakuya, Sanae, and Nunokae all had their own pieces of advice about how Aimi could improve the world without almost destroying it. One of the first and most simple things she could do was be a friend to Kiseki and help her adjust to normal life in Gensokyo—after they'd used a certain technique to maintain her existence as a tsukumogami, of course. And since Aimi and Kiseki's combat abilities had been enhanced by dream logic, Reimu and Nunokae offered to help them improve their true skill so they could safely travel wherever they wanted.
She may not have won back Rikuto's heart or created a perfect paradise, but Aimi could now go on all the adventures she wanted, was lending her help to the Hakurei Shrine, and had a great friend in Kiseki. Who, by the way, was happy to cut branches on her own now, freeing Aimi's time to earn extra as a server at the teahouse where she'd met Rikuto, brightening patrons' days with stories of her adventures outside the village.
Not a bad deal at all, she thought.



梦逻辑「创造与感知」Dream Logic"Creation and Perception"Easy/Normal/Hard
梦逻辑「基础替代图式」Dream Logic"Foundational Supplanting Schemata"Lunatic
梦逻辑「存在替代图式」Dream Logic"Existential Supplanting Schemata"Overdrive
美学「精致的玻璃艺术」Aesthetics"Exquisitely-Crafted Glass Art"Easy/Normal/Hard
美璃「创灭中的崇高」Aesthetic Glass"Sublimity in Creation and Destruction"Lunatic/Overdrive
粹真「潜于自然法则之美」Refined Reality"Beauty Inherent in the Laws of Nature"Easy/Normal/Hard
粹真「爱与美的量子力学」Refined Reality"Quantum Mechanics of Love and Beauty"Lunatic/Overdrive
激情「爱与逻辑之梦」Passion1"Dreams of Love and Logic"2Easy/Normal
鼓动「爱与逻辑之梦」Heartbeat1"Dreams of Love and Logic"2Hard
洋溢「寻觅期许之日」Unrestrained1"Finding That Special Day"3Lunatic
命运「寻觅期许之日」Destiny1"Finding That Special Day"3Overdrive
阈界「入梦少女的空想世界」Liminal Space4"Dreaming Girl's Paracosm"Easy/Normal/Hard
阈界「明晰梦中见幻想乡」Liminal Space4"Gensokyo as a Lucid Dream"Lunatic/Overdrive
「天作之合」"The Perfect Matches"Easy/Normal
「天造地设」"Matches Made in Heaven"Hard
「愿君知我心」"Please, Understand That I Love You"Lunatic
「不负相思意」"If You Don't Love Me, I'll Love for Both of Us"5Overdrive
相位转换6「梦逻辑世界」7Aspect Shift"Dream Logical World"Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic/Overdrive
叙符「岁之四时,生之四时」Narrative Sign"Seasons of the Year, Seasons of Life"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra(与天白鹭剪世树共同使用)
口才「情感唤起」Eloquence"Emotion Evocation"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra(与天白鹭剪世树共同使用)
制图「发现之旅」Cartography"Tales of Discovery"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra(与天白鹭剪世树共同使用)
「倏然的反常存在」"Ephemeral Unnatural Being"8Last Word
「世界尽头之旅」"Journey to the Ends of the Earth"Last Word(与天白鹭剪世树共同使用)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 符名均取自心跳文学部写诗游戏出现的单词。
  2. 2.0 2.1 取自心跳文学部曲目《Dreams of Love and Literature》。
  3. 3.0 3.1 参考了心跳文学部的主题曲《Your Reality》中的一句歌词(What will it take just to find that special day?)。
  4. 4.0 4.1 Liminal Space,通常被翻译为“阈限空间”,被用于描述空间上或者功能上的过渡性空间。它也是一类图片迷因的名字,其内容多为无人的公共空间。
  5. 可能参考了司汤达在《爱情论》中的名言:"If you don't love me, it does not matter, anyway I can love for both of us"。
  6. 本作的特殊符卡系统。
  7. 本作的副标题Dream Logical World
  8. 取自东方逆妙乱的副标题Ephemeral Unnatural Balance
