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August 2024 edit: Not as active this year due to chronic health issues. Not on hiatus, but I won't be editing as much compared to the last few years. Still, feel free to hit me up on Discord if you wanna chat music.

Also, check out my internet research tips and yearly music recommendations pages.

Hi hi hello um umm welcome to my wiki page xd :3 :p


  • 第一次接触东方是2009年3月
  • 喜欢和秘封相关的作品
  • 音游狗
  • STG手残
  • 喜欢读SCP Wiki
  • 对日本外的同人音乐有兴趣
  • they/them pronouns, he/him and she/her works too, or if you're feeling adventurous, use all three interchangeably

Oh you know what, maybe I'll write a more substantial introduction.

It's under a collapsable - just click that [展开] on the right to read it.

Nice to meet you! I've been in the Touhou fandom since 2009 and have been an active editor here since 2018. You may know me from my work on doujin music pages where I add new or obscure releases, or update album pages with information from the release site and/or TLMC scans. You might also know me for my work on adding doujinshi to the wiki, or for adding various fanworks from the international fandom. Well, I just add what interest me haha, and there are a lot of things that I'm interested in, so what I do here tend to be all over the place. I do try to add as much info and links possible so other people can easily pick things up and add missing info.

Over the years, I've realized that the fandom is uninmaginably huge, and with that comes with the realization that there's a huge amount of fanworks that aren't recorded on this wiki. There are tons of fanworks recorded on doujinshi.org or Surugaya that aren't on here, and even more that aren't recorded on those sites. Adding them all is something that requires commitment, and definitely something that would go faster with even 10 dedicated people working on it. If you want to help but feel that you can't because you don't understanding Chinese, there's a pretty good English UI translation that you can switch to at the bottom of the sidebar, and I have some guides on my user wiki that can help you with editing. More importantly, you can join the wiki Discord server for more help. Sadly Discord is blocked in China, so there aren't really any Touhou fans from China you can talk to besides the mods (and if you're lucky, a few other peeps who sometimes chat), but this place is always looking for new editors. If you want, you can even ping me with an edit you did and I can look over it.

Oh, favorite Touhou characters? That changes often, but Sumireko and Junko are a constant favorite. Mokou, Doremy, Narumi and the Grassroots Youkai trio are up there too.

Beyond that... uh I care a lot about music? I'm not gonna claim to be the type of person who listens to everything, since I'm very much not a pop guy. The types of music I tend to enjoy are extreme, progressive and post-metal, the bass/breaks/industrial side of EDM, chiptune/tracker and -adjacent music (especially digital fusion), the out-there side of prog rock and hip hop, and a bunch of other specific genres that would make this part overly long. I'm also interested in music from all around the world, though it's not a super huge priority for me to seek them out (my motivation for discovering music is personal curiosity, and that can be all over the place as you can see by what I do here). Anyways, just peep my my RateYourMusic account or last.fm account to get a grasp of my music taste. Do note that my RYM ratings represent just a small part of my music taste. Anything that I wishlist or mark as owned (with some exceptions where I own a release for archival reasons) are music that I've listened to and liked. Hopefully you can discover something you enjoy! Also, the main writing I do there is on this list where I explore the hardcore EDM subgenre breakcore, a genre that I've listened to for over a decade and one that's not known in China besides a small scene in the early to mid-2000s.

...which probably makes me the most knowledgeable Chinese person on that topic. But who knows, it's a big country so there's gotta be others out there.

A tip if you're new to the site: the lists are the best part. The best album charts are useful for gauging a general music nerd consensus, but don't really convey context beyond the fact that they were critically received or beloved by the site. In contrast, lists offer something more personal and curated, and covers a lot of ground from genre deep dives, local music discoveries, listening diaries, artist/band overviews, and even novel ways to understand music. The lists I favorited on the site have been very useful in discovering things. This is not to say that you should avoid using charts at all, but that you should filter things (using genre combos, filtering by country or language, or even changing the release types) to get the most out of it. Even knowing about music cultures in general, like the importance of live perfomances in jazz or mixtapes in hip hop, can help a lot with charts.

Despite having listened to a lot of Touhou music over the years, it's hard for me to call it my favorite type of music. There are many releases I like and a handful that I especially love, but a lot of them just don't feel very interesting to me. It also doesn't help that the scene tends towards the retro and nostalgic (seriously, how does the EoSD cast still rank so high on popularity contests despite their derivative 90s designs that don't even have much to do with the series' Japanese mythology theme? Where's generation of young fans who are interested in new characters?), with a small number people who are interested in doing anything new or unusual. I also don't think it helps that a lot of (non-Japanese) fans of the series are the type of weeby people who thinks Japan makes all the best and weirdest art. I hope to reach people who don't think that way, help them discover each other, and maybe even see a new art scene bloom from it. This applies to more than just music but I guess that's how I'm going to introduce this idea lmao.

I also like video games, though the games I play tend to be on the short side. I like reading about them though, and watching videos too, whether they be let's plays or video essays. There are lots of interesting games out there! Feel free to check out my Steam wishlist - consider them my personal recommendations. (Maybe I should get a Backloggd account for the other games I play)

Current Tasks on the Wiki (you can help too!)

put under a collapsable since it's kinda outdated and I'm still thinking of a way to overhaul this part.


  • Update existing cover images to higher/non-scanned versions
  • Add source links to image
  • Add early Chinese fanbase works found through Baidu Tieba search
  • ...add non-Japanese fanbase works, really


  • Create pages for every circle featured on TLMC. (hoping to get this done before the next version comes out)
  • Add links to artwork and design credits, using internal links to the artists' circle pages when possible



  • Add flash/browser games that are included on Flashpoint (with personal discretion)
  • Add visual novels (non-R18) from VNDB that are tagged with Touhou
  • Add 魔塔 (Magic Tower) games 1
  • in general, add more types of games I'm interested in (point and click adventure, interactive fiction, twine and bitsy games)


  • Adding official Youtube channel links to circle pages (following this document by Twitter user @mugumugu_) - Done! Thanks to Violet for doing like 60% of this lol

Stuff I have and Favorites

These sections were getting too long so they're now on this page.

Writings, etc.

Reference/Help Pages

I'm not a fan of having to join Discords to find info that could easily be put on the wiki, so I made these guides to help you with researching and editing.

Yearly Music Recommendations

A project that I started in 20212 where I write about Touhou music albums or EPs that I liked or found interesting each year. This is partly so people can suffer my terrible music opinions I have better place to put them than the comment sections, but also to improve my music writing skills. I hope you get some enjoyment out of these.

Read the introduction to the 2021 and 2022 lists for more info.

2024 update: Calling them listening logs was dumb because they were about recommending good stuff, when actual listening logs would include everything I listened to, no matter what I thought about them. Oh well.

and going backwards from 2021...

Main Lists

List about stuff on the wiki. A ✍️ emoji before the link indicates something that I put in work beyond simply listing things, and that I would like people to read.

(It would be interesting to see an equivalent list for VTubers on this wiki. However, this is not a topic that I'm interested in enough to actually do research.)

lists for keeping track of technical credits, focusing on recording/mastering studios for now

Focused Listening Diaries

More casual lists where I dig into a specific topic, without a self-restriction to focus on the positives like in my yearly recommendation lists. Focusing on the positives is good for discovering things, and I want to help people discover and celebrate good music, but I think having some disagreeableness will make my opinions more believeable and show what I value in music beyond genre categories.

The thing about listening diaries, though, is that the writing tend to be more about quantity than quality. In exchange for more music coverage, you get less useful info from the writing, with lots of one-liners or jokes. I'll try to avoid this.

Lists on TouhouDB

Yeah I have an account on the other site. I'm not contributing there but I do like the ability to look up non-album songs.

Touhou music with an emphasis on percussion or a sense of rhythm that tickles my fancy. Also doubles as an idea list for technical rhythm game charting.

For Fun

More lighthearted pages.


模板/User Templates


drafts and stuff

  • sandbox 1 - WIP entries for the yearly music lists, an Aramitama guide, and other genre lists
  • sandbox 2 - English version of create.swf page - would appreciate if someone can translate it into Chinese so there's a page for it
  • sandbox 3 - an overview/encyclopedia of sorts on the crossover between Touhou doujin music and netlabel music
  • sandbox 4 - a comprehensive look at the concept of "Touhou death metal" by listening to and reviewing every album and EP in chronological order, as well as any releases in related genres or are mistagged as death metal

Need to contact me offsite?

Please ping me on the official wiki Discord for wiki matters (e.g. you found a mistake on a page about your work). Same username. If it involves personal information, however, please contact wiki admins instead. Don't contact me on social media sites as I just have the accounts to take up space. Same with Steam/osu/Baidu etc.

For more casual topics, Discord is also the way to go. I've loosened up around chatting about Touhou, though I'd still prefer to talk in servers instead of in DMs as DMs feel more psychologically "urgent" so to speak. If you like metal (especially the prog and extreme side of the genre), I'm in the Holmgang Ov Gensokyo server so you can give me a shout there. Please don't ask me to join your server, however, as I want to keep my server list manageable.


As of November 1st 2021, 東方夢旧市 ~ Glory of Deep Skies./设定与剧情/雾雨魔理沙 is the only page on the wiki with the phrase "among us".


Footnotes whatever

  1. Fun fact: I lurked the scene from 2008-2012 and have a lot of these games downloaded, so this is sort of a sentimental task.
  2. Well, technically 2020, but I was so occupied with writing "grand statement" type of reviews, despite not having much music writing practice at all, that I didn't have anything ready when the year finished.