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東方実在相 ~ Dream Logical World/音乐

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Music Room

The Fantastic Logic of the Lost Season
The title screen theme.

A piece that I wanted to encapsulate the journey ahead.
I went with a driving techno beat to emphasize that reality is shifting and things are really about to happen,
but also included some melodies and instruments that hint at the more emotional aspects of the story.

Awakening of the Dream-logical World
The stage 1 theme.

This theme is meant to capture the surreal beauty of the diamond tree grove, with a fast-paced beat that screams "Let's go!
It's the start of the adventure!" We haven't yet delved very far into what's gone wrong with the world. That comes later.
You know it's a dream-logical world because in a normal world no one could actually play the piano that fast.

Discernment ~ Trial of the Pure Heart
Nunokae Yukimura's theme.

After the fast-paced introduction the stage 1 theme gives you, I thought it'd be sort of a letdown if the first boss's theme wasn't similarly upbeat, so this came out.
Despite the similar tempo, it's more mellow and delicate to fit a character who seeks out kindness.
Incidentally, while Nunokae has some things in common with the crane featured in "Tsuru no Ongaeshi", she isn't the same one.

T.N.G. of Autumn
The stage 2 theme.

A piece that compliments1 the stage's story by being calm and melancholy, but a little tense.
T.N.G. stands for "The Netural2 Girl". The abbreviation makes it all minimalistic and mysterious and stuff.
To get some inspiration while working on this game, I played through all the official Touhou games again, including the Extra stages, which I'd previously considered above my pay grade.
Here I was thinking I'd cleverly illustrated Tetsuko's lonesome personality by reintroducing the PC-98-style bullets from nowhere, only to find out they've been in Perfect Cherry Blossom this whole time.
Oh well, I still like it.

T.N.G.代表漠然的少女 (The Netural Girl) 。缩写后看起来极简而神秘。
Erica Arborea in the Breeze
Tetsuko Yoruhana's theme.

Composing something melancholy and wistful, but with enough drive to fit as a boss theme, was an interesting challenge I hadn't quite tried before.
My first idea was to do something with a really unconventional time signature, but I couldn't get it to sound right.
My second attempt came out way too lighthearted. Finally I came up with this, and I'm quite satisfied with it.
I wonder if she attaches new twigs and leaves to her dress when they decay and crumble?

Delineated Existence ~ Material Fear
The stage 3 theme.

Doing a 180 from the mellow and mysterious encounter with Tetsuko, I cranked up the dark techno to let you know the world has become a dangerous place.
I think the middle section in particular sounds like a crazy, evil merry-go-round.
I hope it gets your adrenaline pumped up.
Also, don't tell anyone, but I stole the main section's chord progression from Nicki Minaj's "Hey Mama".

与铁子战舒缓奇妙的氛围相比来了个180°的转弯,多加入了些dark techno的成分,来表明世界已经变得危机四伏。
对了,偷偷告诉你,主乐部的和弦进行是从Nicki Minaj的《Hey Mama》里拿来的,不要跟别人说哦。
Undead Malevolence
Acytota's theme.

It's kind of a weird song, but the theme song of a sentient supernatural creature created from the idea of a biological particle that commandeers living cells to create multiples of itself probably should be weird.
Just like Acytota switches her demeanor and tactics on a dime, her theme switches back and forth between heavy percussion and absent percussion, eerie violin and mischievous xylophone.

Oneiric Fallacy
The stage 4 theme.

A weird, dreamlike forest that serves as the turning point in the game's story. It's a fairly short song to fit a short stage portion. I didn't add Theme of Eastern Story because that would give it away.

一片怪异而梦幻的森林,作为游戏剧情的转折点。为了与很短的道中段落相配合,曲子也编得很短。我没有把Theme of Eastern Story加进去,那样这面的演出就没感觉了。
Eternal Flower Threshold
Reimu and Kasen's theme. A mash-up of "Eternal Shrine Maiden" and "Battlefield of the Flower Threshold".

Eternal Shrine Maiden, specifically the MIDI arrangement from ZUN's website, is one of my all-time favorite Touhou songs, so of course that's what I went for when choosing which of Reimu's themes to include.

You might feel that there's a dominant theme in some of the stage 4 boss tracks, including this one, but Flower Threshold does shine in a few places. Listen to the cello playing the low notes near the beginning and at the end.


Faint Dream ~ Dimensional Dream
Marisa and Yuuka's theme. A mash-up of "Dimensional Dream" and "Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream".

Three instances of the word "dream" across two song titles. There wasn't a more fitting pair.

Doing arrangements of songs from the PC-98 era is something I always find interesting. Dim.Dream is a pretty simple song, so I tried fleshing it out with some additional voices. This is where I was supposed to say "As you may have heard for yourself, I did the same thing with plenty of tracks in Return of Eastern Wonderland", but it turns out the real RoEW was the friends we made along the way. Oops.
魔理沙&幽香的主题曲。Dim. Dream幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream的混曲。

两首曲子提到了“ (dream) ”三次。没有比这更合适的一对了。

重编PC-98时代的东方曲总让我觉得有趣。Dim. Dream是首简单的曲子,所以我试着添加了一些声部来充实它。这里我本该说:“正如你可能听过的那样,在《东方封魔返》5的许多曲目中,我也是如此处理的。”不过,似乎真正的封魔返是我们一路结交的朋友。67哎呀。
Lunar Clock ~ Invisible Full Moon
Sakuya and Reisen's theme. A mash-up of "Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial" and "Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon".

Flowering Night seems to be Sakuya's most popular theme, and I considered using that one, but Lunar Clock fit better in terms of both composition and title.

As well as combining the stage 4 bosses' theme songs, I also merged elements from their danmaku styles. But I also wanted to give each team a unique identity for this game beyond just combining their pattern styles from the official games. I think all of this shows pretty well in a fight with two characters whose official patterns are fairly gimmicky.
咲夜&铃仙的主题曲。月時計 ~ ルナ・ダイアル狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon的混曲。

Flowering Night似乎才是咲夜的主题曲里人气最高的,我本来也打算用那首,但月时计在作曲和曲名上都更为合适。

Faith is for the Permanent People
Sanae and Seija's theme. A mash-up of "Faith is For the Transient People" and "Reverse Ideology".

Two rather different songs for two very different characters. I mashed them up, though, somehow. My friend said he thought this song sounded sort of melancholy. Maybe that can represent each character's different motivations for solving the incident and their confusion, or maybe frustration, at trying to see through the dream logic?...Yeah, that's it. That's definitely the deep symbolic allegory I planned from the start.

Hartmann's Youkai Girl Shoots a Strange Bird
Youmu and Koishi's theme. A mash-up of "Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When?" and "Hartmann's Youkai Girl".

I'm sure you'll instantly recognize the main gimmick of the battle if you've played a game that begins with "東方海恵堂" and ends with "Marine Benefit". All the playable teams have a symbol representing their team name, in this case a Venn diagram. Logical categories, bullets that switch on and off...it seemed logical to me. I wanted their theme to have sort of a puzzley sound to fit the idea as well.
妖梦&恋的主题曲。広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When?ハルトマンの妖怪少女的混曲。

只要你玩过一个主标题是“东方海惠堂”,副标题是“Marine Benefit”的游戏,你肯定能立刻认出这场战斗所用的主要机制。每组自机都有一个代表了组名的象征物8,妖梦&恋是维恩图。逻辑的范畴,开关弹…不也挺逻辑的吗。我希望这首主题曲也能有那种与之相配的迷惑的听感。
Girls with Deciphering Eyes
Aya and Kosuzu's theme. A mash-up of "Wind God Girl" and "Bibliophile with a Deciphering Eye".

Kosuzu's in a game! I came up with the concept for DLW and decided on most of the playable characters between the releases of Impossible Spell Card and Urban Legend in Limbo. For a while there, I was wondering if I'd have to compose my own themes or use fan-made themes as a base for Kasen and Kosuzu. But it just so happened that between then and the moment I actually started working on the stage 4 boss pieces, both of them got their own official themes!

A Pruning Saw on the Tree of Aspects
The stage 5 theme.

I composed the songs in pretty much the order they appear, but this is an exception because it's the first thing I ever made for the game. I got an image in my head of a surreal, impossibly large tree representing the aspects of existence, which I knew would be the setting of stage 5, and tried to write a song that captured the feeling it gave me. It's based on variations of a short phrase, and there are a few parts where the same melody is played at different speeds at the same time, my way of representing the branching, fractal-like aspects of existence.

Thoughts of the Aspects of Existence ~ Stream of Consciousness
Kiseki Amashirasagi's theme.

When writing boss music, I try to consider both the attributes of the boss themself and the context in which the battle takes place. The mood is tense and uncertain because the girls of Gensokyo are facing an unusual enemy they haven't quite seen the likes of before. In terms of structure, it's a musical representation of a stream of consciousness. Specifically, that of the final boss.

I pulled out several stops I'd never tried before for this one, including unstable time signatures and even the legendary microtones. You might not notice the latter until you've listened carefully, though, because that kind of power can be dangerous if wielded irresponsibly.


Pruning and Growing, Waiting and Hoping
The stage 6 theme.

Including a segment of the final boss's theme in the directly-preceding stage theme always felt cool to me, and since this game takes place chronologically between Double Dealing Character and Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom—the first two official games to do that—it was an obvious choice.

Sophietta provided the distorted voices you hear. They're reciting some specific quotes from Aimi.


Eastern Aspects of Love and Beauty ~ Existential Humankind
Aimi Tourouzaka's theme.

Another song where both the character and the situation come into play. I wanted it to be fittingly emotional for Aimi's backstory and motivation, and also grand and epic to suit the climactic battle for the fate of Gensokyo.

I typically finish one song before starting the next, but this theme was started early on and gradually pieced together over the course of development, with several revisions along the way. I tend to overthink things, so this was probably the best way to put a lot of care and effort into it.


6面BOSS-灯笼坂爱美Last Spell的主题曲
Reclamation of Eastern Story
Aimi Tourouzaka's final spell theme.

In one corner, Theme of Eastern Story, representing the protagonists. In the other, Aimi's theme. TLBs have been common in recent fangames, so you might've been expecting it at this point, but like the stage 4 playable-character boss fights, I felt this was just a perfect game to do it in.

By the way, Aimi's name, design, danmaku style, and story were mostly-finalized in 2015. Just in case you were thinking of a certain avian magician also named Aimi. Or a certain other final boss who also uses geometric shapes. Or a certain other brown-haired, green-eyed girl who also bends reality and changes people's personalities to make someone fall in love with her and escape a confined life.

一方面,就像Theme of Eastern Story,代表了主角们的主题曲。另一方面,爱美的主题曲。真终符 (True Last Boss) 似乎在最近的二次创作的弹幕作中经常出现,所以你可能能猜得到本作也有。但对于4面的自机之间的战斗,只是因为我觉得东方实在相完美地契合这一弹幕游玩元素,所以就有了你所见的4面Boss。

不过我还想说,爱美的名字、设计、弹幕风格还有故事,在2015年左右就基本设定完了。只是以防万一你在想某位名字也读Aimi (苍海) 的鸟魔术师某位也用几何形状的弹幕的终Boss以及某位也扭曲现实、改变别人的性格来让人爱上她、逃离受限生活的,绿瞳棕发的女孩。
Waking Up from a Waking Dream
The ending theme.

An appropriately long song for a set of lengthy endings. Just like the main game, you can put the events of the endings in chronological order by following context clues. I mean, if you want. You don't need to do that to unlock the Extra stage or anything.

The Nostalgic Ending of the Dream Season
The staff roll theme.

The title theme was one of the first songs I made for the game, so it was super-nostalgic rearranging it for one of the last songs I made. Maybe you'll feel a similar going-back-yet-also-going-forward feeling while you watch Gensokyo's landscape transform back to normal as the credits roll.

Accelerated Metaphysical Winter
The Extra stage theme.

Moving into a new phase of life, uncertain of what the near future will bring, but knowing that things will change quickly and looking forward to seeing it unfold. That's the feeling I tried to capture. It's a feeling you might not experience as often as you get older, but change is inevitable. And I think there's almost always something you can do to make it happen, even if it's small. Picking up a new interest, going somewhere you've never gone before, reading a new book or playing a new game. These are all things that can get new thoughts flowing. Just like the new ones flowing through Aimi.

I first listened to Last Remote during one of those times. That song provided a lot of inspiration here.


在某次新思想涌动时,我第一次听了Last Remote。那首曲子给了我很多灵感。
Colorful Canvas of Love ~ Romantic Apricity
Miyu Aokusa's theme.

Even though Aimi is the most important character in the story, Miyu is the one who gets to share a kanji in her name with the game's title. Maybe that's because in the end, Miyu really was the true partner for Rikuto. Or maybe not. It's all up to your interpretation.

I'll say something else about Aimi, though. During the religious war a while back, Aimi was thrilled at the chance to watch Gensokyo's heroes duke it out, and she witnessed their battles at the Human Village and Myouren Temple. If you can somehow get ahold of a record of those events, maybe you can recognize her from the outfit she's wearing in this game's Extra stage.


False Awakening
The Game Over theme.

The usual game over song, with an added dream-logical touch.
Try and try again. With enough practice, you’ll be able to see through even the thickest dream logic.

Last Word主题曲
Euphoric Danmaku Festival
The Last Word theme.

What do we do with Last Words in a game filled with gimmicky and outlandish patterns? Why, make them even more gimmicky and outlandish, of course. Some of them, anyway. There are a few more normal ones. I hope you enjoy them all the same.
Last Word的主题曲。

在这个已经充满了诡诘且诡异的弹幕模式的游戏中,我们还怎么制作Last Words呢?当然,制作更诡诘且更诡异的弹幕。不过,只是一部分,还是有更多正常的弹幕。祝您游玩愉快!


  1. 原文如此,是complement(s)的误写。
  2. 原文如此,是neutral的误写。
  3. 指封魔录、幻想乡和怪绮谈三作Boss战前(除幻想乡Extra以外)的无敌机发弹的弹幕,发弹点为全屏分布,弹幕类型常为自机狙或固定弹
  4. 即东方幻想的音乐版本。
  5. 曾用名“东方封魔再录”,此项目多年中断,至实在相正式版发布后重启开发。
  6. 据官网所说,这是个把AnalogueReverie的人们聚在一起的项目。
  7. 这里套用了耳熟能详的“Maybe The Real Treasure Was the Friends We Made Along the Way”(真正的宝藏是一路上结交的朋友)的成句。这一成句的言外之意是,在旅途的最后,故事的主人公并没有找到宝藏。因此,这里的言外之意大概也就是:《封魔返》本该在《实在相》以前完成开发并发布,然而并未如愿以偿。
  8. 即Boss战期间Boss背后的魔法阵。
  9. 即播放Staff时的背景演出。相之树上空的木星和海洋消失,相之树消失,竹林的彩色树枝/叶消失等等。
